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As always, some people try to jump in nintendo's turf, and somehow it never works, except for nintendo
Like how much mario kart clones have we seen come and go... and they never stay. Smash had their few copies too
6 hours later…
@SPArcheon no that's not the reason. people have been making the Devil May Cry comparison since before then just because they see that pop up on the side about your attacks
@Fredy31 well, to be hones I would like one specific character from that "multiverse" PS plagiarism of Smash.
the ultra instinct Shaggy
@Fredy31 "Plagiarism is the most sincere form of flattery".
> Mom can we have Splatoon?
We have Splatoon at home
Splatoon at home
That said... maybe this will have the thing that Nintendo is too stupid to add.
You know, offline VS Com battles....
Single player mode?
It is quite odd when you realize that the closest game to Splatoon that actually has SINGLE PLAYER "VS battles" (that are not a ultra-short story modes that doesn't even fully use the same mechanics) is... Senran.

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