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@Dragonrage Hm. It's pretty cheap, but it looks good
9 hours later…
apparently this is not even an April fool thing...
Remember the Mario movie?
Well, this is one of the available product collaborations in Japan...
apparently there are more, but this takes the prize.
A "body spray" that is sold in a container that seems one of those "glass cleaning spray"
3 hours later…
Ahhh japan and being weirdly sexist sometimes
@SPArcheon this morning I was looking where I could buy the Monstat Mushrooms, because I don't wanna run the map over every week... got some reddit threads giving the location, but also 1000 MORA FOR SHROOMS? WAY TO EXPENSIVE!!!

Me looking at my like 4 million mora... what?
Guess mora was scarce at the beginning of the game lol
Its that or theres somewhere you are supposed to dump your mora that i'm missing
@Fredy31 characters ascension/talent and weapons ascension take a lot of mora.
yeah i'm still good
maybe its because I dont try to literally max every character and weapon lol
well, from what I see... to complete abyss 11 you don't really need extreme min/max.
And to complete abyss 12 you kinda require constellations / 5* weapons so...
average player has no reason to really focus that much.
@Fredy31 if this is actually a Fontaine character I expect at least one goth doll dress character.
@Fredy31 don't you dare skip best archon again.
the quests she was on trial she felt weak af
but yeah I've put it in my mind that i wanna clear the abyss, so that means clearing abyss 12
and so I'm working on my B team
Keep in mind, I DGAF about 3 starring it. I'll just clear, get the achievement, and be good
Really wonder how the game will be after that tho, they dont seem to up max level on major patches so if I'm at maxxed on 90, all story quests afterward will be kinda dumb
@Fredy31 the ones who makes those must be moles.
I havent analysed her kit
so yeah the ult was just like 'wow there is now a roof'
guess its a buff
> "they are using trial Yoimiya, let's give her wanderer Troupe, Favonious bow and put her against pyro abyss mage"
Basically, most "story quest" trials ^
that said, the real thing with Nahida is that the mark is basically Dendro application, you cause reaction and it is still there.
to be more precise...
- mark applies dendro,
- you cause a reaction on the enemy,
- coordinated attack reapplies dendro
basically similar to Mr Water Swords Book nerd, but it is her skill, not her burst.
also, Genshin physics 101:
"Flying lil radish"
Thanks Edmund for another bunch of lies!!!
> patch should drop on console very soon, before the end of the month
assorted hissing noises
I am so going to buy your new games if you continue to work with Nicalis
7 hours later…
Just finished my second playthrough of RE4 Remake. It's so damn good. It's honestly better than the original, which feels absurd to say, considering how great the original is.

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