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.... in the meantime, the players of Bandai One Piece mobile gacha game have actually started a petition to get the current game producer fired.
7 hours later…
Oh tought this was later
5 hours later…
@Unionhawk Everyone thought Tears of the Kingdom would be somber and dark like Majora's Mask but little did we know that we were thinking about the wrong sequel to a hit 1998 action-adventure RPG released on the N64. Tears of the Kingdom is not Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask but Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.
I've already seen people talk about hitting Ganon in the face with an "ultra instinct dong rocket coming towards him at 500mph constructed of thousands of rocks and logs."
In retrospect, 1998 was a pretty crazy year in gaming. Not only did Ocarina of Time and Banjo-Kazooie release, but so did Metal Gear Solid, Half-Life, Dance Dance Revolution, Spyro the Dragon, StarCraft, and Xenogears.
1999 isn't half bad either: Soul Calibur, Chrono Cross, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Homeworld, System Shock 2, Age of Empires 2, Pokemon Gold & Silver, Planescape Torment, The Longest Journey, Rayman 2, Shenmue, Resident Evil 2, Everquest and Driver
2000 had THPS2, Perfect Dark, Baldur's Gate II, Jet Set Radio, Quake 3 Arena, The Sims, Dead or Alive 2, Deus Ex, NOLF, Sacrifice, Thief 2, Diablo II and Homeworld Cataclysm
You can probably make a list like that for every year
Ocarina of Time, Half-Life, StarCraft, and Pokemon Red/Blue (released overseas in late 1998) are monstrous entries though. Those weren't just good, they were basically genre-defining.
Though I just KNOW @ave is going to be pissed that durability on weapons is back
weapon durability is good especially when the game wants you to combine a bunch of stuff to make interesting things
(less so when the ask is to grind out the like, tests of strength for weapons)
@Nzall Oh yeah, I just know the Zelda subreddit will be full of dongs on day 1
And seeing how stupid it can get with the tools you had in BOTW, I cant wait to see the completely bonkers things people will do with that
By stupid things i mean things like the flying minecart lol
4 hours later…
Q: How do I fight the 3rd to last opponent in the Colosseum?

StevoisiakI have fought every opponent at the Bed of Styx colosseum except for one. Even after repeating every tournament multiple times, I haven't met the third to last person in the opponent list. Is there something specific I need to do before I can fight this opponent? Or am I just getting extremely un...

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