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@Wipqozn something something Goat Simulator.
initiate Brimstone laser charge
7 days left.
1 hour later…
Soooo... uuuh... linustechtips fell for the tesla cryptocurrency phishing and their account is being used to spread it...
@Elva That's unexpected
Indeed it is! Seems ... basically all their channels are in trouble
Gonna be an interesting wanshow
> Regarding the YouTube channel hack, we are on top of it with Google's team now. Everything should be locked down and we are getting to the bottom of the attack vector with the (hopeful) goal of hardening their security around YouTube accounts and preventing this sort of thing from happening to anyone in the future.
> You can expect a more detailed update on WAN Show at some point in the future. > Not sure if it'll happen this week since this is still a developing situation.
> The good news is that you can expect to get your LTT fix on Floatplane as usual :p
From floatplane =o
i saw seeing people post about it on discord
2 hours later…
Looks like the LTT channel is just gone for now (or was made private). Not showing up in my subs anymore.
@MBraedley It got temporarily terminated while they sort shit out
2 hours later…
Really the number of creators that fell for it seems its a very sneaky one
Like I'll go on a limb, but pretty sure LTT knows its shit in terms of phishing
Corridor crew did a vlog on it
1 hour later…
Listening to the video it seems like for the Corridor hack they hacked one of the member's phone and then jumped in the account via that, its not even phishing, its targetted attacks

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