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So a transformer definitely exploded a few minutes ago.
Sky went all teal for a few seconds.
cooooool, aside from the damage to the grid that could cause and possible injuries
4 hours later…
@Yuuki I have remote start if that was really an issue, I could just set the AC on beforehand and remote start it for a few minutes
works great in the winter, haven't had to use it in the summer, but could work well in the summer too for hotter climates
3 hours later…
@Wipqozn Oookay, guess it's not going the right way
1 hour later…
@Yuuki Was it an autobot or a decepticon?
4 hours later…
@Memor-X Focus moved on Dreams.
That said that game has quite a few problems with content management, both with view history clutter, huge player privacy footprint and cursed moderation (because of the previous point)
btw, in case someone want a good laugh, Chinese players are making a revolution over a change in a description of a skill of a character in Genshin (simplified version, full story here)
Q: How can I improve my question? There was downvote, but no comment

Josefinemeta about: Who is the target group for Apple Arcade (subscription gaming service)? I am looking for very simple games (and platforms) that are graphically reasonably good and playable for older people. The reaction and attention decreases with increasing age. Then I came across Apple Arcade and ...

3 hours later…
At the same time, I don't think we can expect any online service to be online in perpetuity. Someone has to pay to keep those services up and who still plays LBP on PS3.

They were probably paying an amount every month to keep it up, for maybe... 50 players? Players that bought the game years ago and have not paid anything since, except if maybe PS+ is giving the money. And even then, its probably far from profitable.

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