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3:00 PM
@spugsley You get free admission at museums and stuff!
@spugsley I hate those damn ass balls.
I can't directly reply to messages on mobile chat can I?
You can't argue with free.
@FAE Nope
@FAE If you know the message ID number you can do it manually. Otherwise, no.
3:00 PM
it's a wonder it works at all
(at least on my mobile)
@badp Sure you can. You're wrong, free. I'll never agree with you.
@skovacs1 woo! That's awesome.
is currently in the car
@GnomeSlice yeah, they are really problematic
(I also get the 'are you fucking kidding me' look when I disclose my age, but I don't really care that much, it's just mildly irky.)
3:02 PM
@badp happens to me alllll the time.
@badp People think you're older/younger?
@GnomeSlice younger, obviously. I think it's physiologic though
@badp Which means...
Ever had the impression in, say, high school that the 1st year guys are getting younger and younger
@badp Yes.
3:03 PM
as time passes?
I know a guy who looks 20 even though he's 32, Blows my mind.
@GnomeSlice I rationalize this by believing that people prefer to see me as a 17yo guy so they don't realize just how old they actually are :P
@Mana that'll be me someday.
"If he's 22 how fucking old am I?! "
(It doesn't work with people younger than you alas)
I've looked like this since like 8th grade, so everyone thought I was older then and people tend to guess me younger now.
3:04 PM
Up until a few years ago, people at restaurants still brought me children's menus.
@GnomeSlice at which point you order a rare steak with some fucking beer :P
(I've never had that happening to me though)
@GnomeSlice bahahah same here! I always ate off of it too. Fucking cheap as SHIT
@badp Well, I think it stopped before I was drinking age.
I've occasionally been carded at Walmart buying games, which is just...I personally don't think I look under 18. |:
Not that I drink anyway.
3:06 PM
@spugsley Small though
@GnomeSlice I also didn't like the idea of drinking, then it grew on me. I'm not looking back
Eh, doesn't appeal to me, for some reason.
It's hilarious when I go out and order a drink. Everyone thinks my license is fake
3:07 PM
(although I never drunk enough to actually get drunk)
@spugsley Lol do they say that?
@GnomeSlice they hold it up to the light and look for the little hologram. And sometimes they go get a manager
@badp I've also got an addictive personality and I don't want to become an alcoholic by mistake.
@spugsley HAH.
I didn't think you looked that young, @badp, but I'm also super horrible at guessing people's ages because everyone in my family looks younger than they are
@skovacs1 more like "how is babby formed"/" wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/9/9f/Heavy_taunts05.wav "
3:08 PM
@badp Yeah, drinking does too much to quell my persistent anxiety for me to give it up.
and when I got married, people really looked confused...like I was a creepy child bride
@TimStone Nah, it's not really that. Both coffee and alcohol don't seem to affect me too much
although the second coffee kind of helped this evening.
God traffic jam on Saturday afternoon, only in the damn NL
@badp Except that doesn't actually sound like 'babby'.
@FAE lol, drove some highway today, no car was going near the posted speed limit. It still doesn't compute to me
aren't we like stereotypically obliged to go at least 40 km/h above the speed limit?
(which I sometimes do.)
3:11 PM
@FAE Think it took me an extra 30 or so minutes to get home last night. I was raging so bad.
(What's the name of streets hierarchically below highways? Sometimes they have a speed limit of 70 but you can easily cruise at 100 and get overtaken, and if I need to overtake myself...)
(speeds in km/h)
I'm having one of those days where I really wish I could drive in this country. I just feel like speeding with some loud music on.
@FAE Just crawl your way to the border! :P
German autobahns and stuff
@Mana we have a problem. I'm starting to get strangely attached to this new gravatar of yours....
(if only gas was cheaper)
@spugsley want me to change it now rather than later?
3:14 PM
@spugsley You can't stop looking at it?
I can't either.
@Tim I don't function well in traffic jams at all. I grew up in an area too rural to have any so I'm not used to them at all.
@Mana I really can't. It's like...calling me.
@badp secondary highways
@Mana I want to give it a hug...
@skovacs1 that's surprisingly disappointing
3:15 PM
Hi, eyverbody! What's goin-OHGOD @Mana WHY
@RavenDreamer gooby pls :(
wtf is a gooby
I can't even deal with this right now
Please don't post goo{b,f}y
@Raven Congratulations on graduation!
3:16 PM
I was not going to post goofy.
@FAE Thanks!
Grats to Mana's 20th spring and Raven's freedom from academic clutches
(unless he's going for PhD or stuff)
@RavenDreamer graduation gratulations
I may have pictures of me in my wizard robes graduation gown to post in here eventually.
@FAE I have to drive on I-95/PA Route 476 to work, so unfortunately it's a pretty common experience for me. I didn't leave work until 7:00 last night, and somehow still ran into traffic.
Congratulations, @RavenDreamer!
3:17 PM
Thanks @Tim.
@RavenDreamer you going for PhD?
@badp Naw. No real need.
@RavenDreamer I feel the same
@RavenDreamer yes, post it!
Let the corporate slacking begin!
3:19 PM
I have this weird obsession with what people look like irl. Because right now, I'm picturing all of you as your gravatar sitting at your computer. Which makes some really interesting images, especially for @Mana
@TimStone I read that and thought, "corporate sacking? Is someone getting fired or is a company being pillaged?"
@Raven I'd offer you a celebratory hug but you decided I wasn't cool enough to visit. :(
@spugsley Yeah, when I actually see people's face on the internet it's always kind of a disappointment
I actually am a maroon assortment of triangles.
@FAE No, that was my brother.
3:20 PM
@skovacs1 Storm the cubicles!
I think you're cool enough to visit!
and on the other hand damn doesn't the curiosity burn at times.
@badp thanks a lot, man :P
@badp indeed it does
@spugsley I could ruin your image so much right now.
3:20 PM
@FAE I said "on the internet" :P
@TimStone @spugsley And I a paper placeholder for a fictional Japanese stalker.
oh, wtf.
@skovacs1 indeed! Which is why I have my regular face as my gravatar. :) I'm just normal
they changed Google+
@RavenDreamer Welcome to a couple weeks ago
(I don't actually have Google+)
I mean, it's kind of like reading a book and then watching its movie
(and then they replace what you had in your mind)
@badp not mine. Yay :)
@spugsley photoshopped
@RavenDreamer I haven't known anyone to actually use google+
are you actually black and white? :P
3:23 PM
That's Jin, FYI
A Jin
Yeah, although I never really formed a mental image of Jin so seeing his face didn't impress me either way
@FAE I have only seen them once, but OMG it was lovely fun
@RavenDreamer that is incredbile. How classy
Ajin Jin
3:24 PM
@badp I'm not photoshopped :( Just black and white
@spugsley That's photoshoppin'!
@badp :(
I mean you can probably do it in Paint or something
I could post a non-photoshop picture but it will look the same :(
so I'm not different!
3:26 PM
@Ashley I was present at the filming of the concert they did with the Metropol orchestra here, can see my arms on the DVD, haha.
I'm just normal!!!!
oh wow, Paint's converter to black and white in Windows 8 doesn't actually suck
@FAE That is actually quite awesome. Didnt know they made a DVD. Now I want to find it.
@badp suddenly, evil Jin.
Evil Djinn
3:27 PM
(On mobile chat, can't do direct replies, sorry)
Does somebody here have Windows Vista or earlier? I need your version of Paint. The one that sucks!
@badp hahahaha
@spugsley What is that?
@badp I like my non-sucking windows paint!
@skovacs1 what is normal?
3:27 PM
@badp I have a VM XP.
@badp you should go all the way back to Windows Paint 98
@skovacs1 fantastic
@RavenDreamer Paint isn't supposed to non-suck!
@badp i think the one i use is a old one since my windows 7 paint broke
3:28 PM
@RavenDreamer I think that Paint is the same Paint in XP
@badp why are we looking for antiquated software?
@Ashley It's called Black Symphony
@skovacs1 Because, I mean, Otsu Tresholding? in my PAINT?!
@FAE Good to know :) Hope it is like on Amazon or some other internetplace
3:29 PM
please don't make that dirty. My mind already went there
@spugsley here's my FB profile pic if you want your image of me as a red monster shattered.
@spugsley also how the heck can that be dirty
that doesn't make sense.
I was confused about that too.
@Mana Oh good. See, I had access to that picture, but wasn't going to just share it, ahah
@Mana your curly hair is wonderful!!!
thats is how my paint turns it b/w
3:30 PM
@Blem Blem, you're beautiful.
@Mana it's jin
@Ashley If you cannot find it I will buy you a copy here but it would be region 2 and the menus would be Dutch
Also, if I could have everyone's attention for a few minutes, we're going to review the safety features of this chat room. The @spugsley rage-proof bunker is located through the emergency exits on the two sides of the room. In the event of rain, please follow the illuminated floor lighting to the safety of the bunker.
@Mana here is an old picture of me
3:31 PM
@TimStone as if a bunker could save you
@Blem coooool
OH! Is it photo sharing time!?!?!?! I chould show you @IanPugsley
@spugsley We've tested it with Fredy. It can't be crashed through.
@spugsley That would be cheating!
A picture of me graced the cover of a magazine last year. Good luck finding it, though :)
@badp not if it was of me and he just happened to be in it :p
@agent86 SHOW IT
3:33 PM
@agent86 You did hwhat with Grace Note?
Hey, I build a quality bunker. When you post things like this, good bunker design is critical.
@spugsley I may have seen it.
@RavenDreamer oh god
@agent86 Har har har, Mr. Gates. Very funny
@agent86 How's the family doing?
3:34 PM
@RavenDreamer I have neither seen nor talked to Grace Note in a fair amount of time :(
@RonanForman nah. That was a shitty picture. We have lovely wedding photos of prettiness that I can show
@RavenDreamer shh, it's a secret to everyone
@Mana He was here yesterday.
@FAE fine, mom and baby got to come home yesterday. baby is fussy and hungry, as is to be expected.
3:34 PM
I was at TOJam.
Yeah, she/he was concerned as I had downloaded SMNC
(a DOTA-like)
Glad to hear :)
He/she strongly tried to dissuade me from playing it but that wasn't as effective as the "register" form right after the three minutes long splash screen
So my entertainment center is warping under the weight of my 42" Gaming.SE TV... #FirstWorldProblems
Why dissuade?
3:36 PM
@RavenDreamer your what.
@Mana The desk I put the TV on top of.
@RavenDreamer not that...the...oh whatever
21 hours ago, by Grace Note
Sometimes, people just don't enjoy certain categories of games, and crushing your face into it just in case you might enjoy it, doesn't really do you good service.
@badp I was tempted to give that a go for TF2 swag. Is it any fun?
@FAE The Dutch menus would be okay - I have enough knowledge to handle at least DVD menus (thank you, mom!) - but I dont know about the DVD region - although I am tempted for various reasons to get a DVD player that isnt all region locked
3:37 PM
@skovacs1 As I said I stopped caring as soon as I launched the game. It wants you to sign up with a SMNC account
Since I got it through Steam that's just silly; use my account information dammit
@Raven yeah that sucker's heavy.
@FAE You know what this means, though, right?
I'm going SHOPPING!
@Ashley Yeah I figured the Dutch wouldn't be so much the issue
[Insert relevant family guy montage]
@badp Silly yes, but hardly unprecedented. A great many multiplayer titles on Steam do this so I'm not surprised.
3:39 PM
@skovacs1 I know, it still put me off.
I mean, SEGA worked their asses off so that Spiral Knights wouldn't require a different account
@FAE :D I am not like pro or anything, but I can understand some stuff. Can't really speak or type it to save my life, but reading and listening is easier
or whoever's actually behind Spiral Knights
@spugsley I would, but it's just too much of my identity for the public internet :(
@agent86 I know that feeling. My face's also somewhere on the internet, but I'm not sharing.
@Ashley Ja, ik weet wat je bedoelt ;)
3:41 PM
@FAE grins
@agent86 Funny you say that, given that you actually have access to my face!
@badp Three Rings has since been purchased by Sega.
@RavenDreamer Oh, right, that's the authors. I only know about SEGA because the alternative to the Steam login is a "SEGA login"
(In unrelated news, SEGA in Italian is a rather rude term for masturbation when lowercase. The pronunciation matches too.)
(Case matters!)
Spontaneously logged out of chat, weird
3:46 PM
@FAE Weeeeird
@badp Capitonyms!
@RavenDreamer ...words that have the same case?
Gonna head off now as the traffic jam is over and I don't want to get carsick. Should also probably actually talk with Jochem. >> Later all!
@badp Words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings depending on whether or not they're capitalized.
E.g., polish and Polish.
@FAE Later! :)
3:48 PM
(Or SEGA and sega)
@AshleyNunn Read tihs as "Laser"
@RavenDreamer Those too. Why not. ;)
@FAE Lazers to you FAE
also, yay Catharsis. I still can't really stop listening to youtube.com/watch?v=e7BcczB6Gh0
15 minutes of background muzak is really kinda too long to get used to. Also violin beats.
No matter how you ignore my sharing it I keep enjoying it! Damn.
Oh, man. The Rebecca Black video isn't on the starred list anymore. Sadness
@badp Flux is one of the BitTrip games I really really suck at
@AshleyNunn I'm stuck with the two PC games :(
but Flux does seem like Beat, only even harder
3:53 PM
Flux is so looong, compared to beat
@RavenDreamer Long? Isn't it three levels of 15 mins each?
Just like Beat?
is it possible to die from nervousness?
@badp Ah I have Saga, I like it
@spugsley Yes
even if Runner is the only one I dont fail horribly at
3:54 PM
@Sterno oh god. I'm doomed
@AshleyNunn ugh, I've started trying Runner. I'm failing so badly
@spugsley and you'll never get to play Diablo 3!
@badp ]Flux tends towards 20-25 minutes each
3:55 PM
I'm looking forward to Runner 2!
@AshleyNunn I made a game like bit.trip beat. :3
@RavenDreamer I'm looking at this guy who's put up perfect plays of pretty much all Bit Trip levels; the Catharsis one is only 25 mins long because of the [spoiler alert], while the Epiphany video is 18 mins
@badp Oh man, it's so hard. I like it, but it is hard. Also, not a game you can play without sound..... XD
Really? I Could have sworn it was longer.
@RavenDreamer For serious? That is super awesomesauce
@AshleyNunn Sound's the whole point of my listening to these videos.
3:57 PM
I've got !! on the first two worlds in Runner.
The Perception video is also 17 minutes long
@badp Oh yeah, that is really one of the big draws of the games
!!s elude me on world 3, though
@RavenDreamer man, the retro stages pwn me especially hard.
@RavenDreamer That's awesome. I think I did that like maybe once?
3:58 PM
(and you can't just retry them until you get them right, which is aggravating)
@badp Me too
I got 2 golds on the retro stage of 1-9. Two gold
That was embarassing
and yet do I want to reperfect 1-9? Not really :(
@RavenDreamer That is so awesome. :D I love knowing people who create awesome things

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