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03:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

3:52 AM
for what it is worth:
A: Voting on the future of list of X questions

tzenesEdit: If you disagree please post a comment to promote discussion. I'd like to take this opportunity to discuss the subject of [game-rec] questions. I realize there are a number of topics on this issue with diverse responses (one even linked by Ivo here) and that I've responded in some, but I b...

4:52 AM
I appear to have been serial upvoted.
5:18 AM
haha, perhaps you deserve it?
Yeah, a bunch of +1 on every question, that's definitely someone targeting you
It's all within a few minutes, too
13 on answers and 2 on your questions
its too bad we can't see who voted on what
13 hours later…
6:16 PM
I sometimes wonder (fear) if questions are really meant seriously
I fixed the spelling and grammar a bit on one of those questions, but yeah... sigh...
I mean, body language? it's a game
they can't see you
the frightening thing is that he says he's 37
that question might yet become CW just because of the amount of edits
...Body language? O_o
time to enlighten him on the existence of text (team) chat
I think they're out of frusteration
its a very frusterating game
6:20 PM
I've never found it frustrating tbh
especially with killcams, I always know what I did wrong
MW2 online?
PC version then, but yeah
I can never see who's shooting at me ever
oh, I play 360
maybe that's the difference
well, you still always see the killcam right?
on most game modes
but my problem is always, well I never saw him, so I stood 0 chance
6:21 PM
I'd say we should close the alternative communique question, there's no answer
gotta play tactically
hmm... this could be funny... I bet he's playing the 360 version.
make sure nobody can get in your back etc
Maybe there's emotes?
I was thinking that, but he was asking about 'body language'
just so nobody gets confused
Q: Are there any alternate communication methods in Modern Warfare 2?

Luc MHow do you communicate with your teammate without a microphone? Is there a kind of body language that players use?

I had the impression that maybe English wasn't the first language there
6:23 PM
they're from quebec
which is French Canada, so that makes sense
Export French...
@ArdaXi @alexanderpas We had some edit collisions on that question. :)
I was first ;)
erm, I only edited alex's edit of your edit I think
I don't play MW2 . . . is there any "body language" or anything in the game?
6:25 PM
no, that's what we're confused about
there's voice chat and (on the PC) text chat
I don't play that game either... so...
I've played about 100 hours of it according to steam..
me neither
although I have always wondered, since I've seen teammates make a 'get going' gesture at me
I think that's what he's wondering - if there's some gestures that high level players use to signal each other.
6:28 PM
I don't think so, the option isn't in the game and I'm almost at the highest level
I think it's just like an idle animation
BTW: nice teamwork there, getting an "wtf" type question up to "acceptable" range.
I keep finding more things to fix
off-topic? (do we want these type of questions)
Q: How To Make Custom Map for Counter-Strike 1.6?

Vizay SoniHow can I make a custom map for Counter-Strike? What tools / software do I need? If possible, could you include a tutorial?

Its game-dev
definitely off-topic
6:38 PM
just confirming ;)
(and notifying the close police ;) )
only one other person has to edit the communication question to make it CW
someone else than kevin, me or alex
will happen if needed...
(yay for edit function in chat)
now let me edit other people's posts :D
I still don't see the point of CW. In my opinion, if a question should be marked CW it should not be asked on the site.
I can see the power of CW.
6:43 PM
But when is it needed?
For poll (list of X) questions (we all know our opinion on those)
or for joke questions (should go on meta if anywhere)
To build an index of related questions.
you should never have to do that
The SO engine does that automatically anyway
CW questions, are questionable, however CW answer can be gold sometimes!
the only true benefit is that the asker/answerers get less rep
which isn't good
rep is a motivator for answerers
eh, I just like answering stuff, I don't care about rep that much
6:48 PM
still, it's a negative incentive
quite some people do care about rep
We should be able to migrate questions to gamedev..
I agree.
we will be able to, when gamedev and gaming are out of beta
(at least, that is what i understood from @Jeff)
I hate CW sometimes
people tend to use it as an excuse for bad questions
6:51 PM
"might be subjective, so making this cw"
imo if it should be CW, don't ask it
and we can't rep-punish them that way.
I usually only downvote when I'm downvoted so my rep is a nice round number
6:52 PM
is that bad?
I have precisely 3000 now, I like it
I don't care about my rep
I care about my answers
I want my answers to have high upvotes
my overall score is meaningless
6:55 PM
there's no real difference though
since rep is just the sum of your upvotes
well I think my score is useful to other people
there is a difference
by comparison I only know I"m doing a good job if my answers have high upvotes
its easy to have tons of answers with low votes
lots of low upvoted answes = high rep
cough McKay cough
6:56 PM
hear hear
then again
I might be guilty of that myself
a couple of highly upvoted answers = rep-cap
The rep-cap doesn't bother me, as I don't care about my score
now if there was an upvote cap I'd be pissed
the things I most care about is the ability to edit posts etc
since that's helpful to the site
Yeah, editing stuff is very handy
time to downvote 10 bad Q/A @Arda ;)
6:58 PM
:61621 chat abuse for the win
ook een nederlander!
inderdaad :D
alex ook
only 294 rep left for now.
maarja... nu nog een goede vraag om te beantwoorden.
(mag ik ons eraan herinneren dat we niet de enigen zijn hier? :))
sorry 'bout that @tzenes
Wow, only 3 Canadians on the 1st page of users, huh.
(Brandon, Mana, and I)
Was expecting more . . .
7:02 PM
I wonder how much dutchies?
I was expecting less dutchies
Ivo is dutch too
well, we've already beaten the canadians (no offence)
Well you outnumbered us.
when we outnumber the USA our mission shall be complete
my boyfriend is Dutch-Canadian
he'd count for both! but he's not on the site
The dutch are always on the frontier, trade (VOC), water management, etc. etc. etc.
7:04 PM
plus we existed long before the USA was even known
(new amsterdam)
we were this close to dutch being the internet language
nice deduction there!
then again, I would've missed being bilingual I guess
dat zou heel vreemd zijn
7:06 PM
now I get to wince at people around me speaking english
L2Speak English :P
we would be the ignorant dutchies, who only know their own language
now I'm going back to watch stupid women shows and drinking Heineken
women shows?
which channel?
7:07 PM
I'm American, but I moved to the NL 3.5 years ago
This is a list of released and upcoming video games that are developed in the Netherlands. The list is sorted by game title, platform, year of release and their developer. This list does not include serious games. {| class="sortable wikitable" border="1" |- !Title !Platform !Year !Developer |- | In den Beginne | Commodore 64 | 1984 | |- | Steen der Wijzen | Commodore 64 | 1984 | |- | Tijdreiziger | Commodore 64 | 1984 | |- | Space Mates | Commodore 64 | 1984 | |- | De Sekte | Commodore 64 | 1985 | |- | Eindeloos | Commodore 64 | 1985 | |- | Dr.J | Commodore 64 | 1985 | |- | Hollan...
I flipped my shit when I found out Triumph Studios (who did Overlord) are right here in Delft
I don't know any of those games
Toki Tori and Jazz Jackrabbit, huh. Thank you. :)
7:11 PM
funny, where other people are sad over being too old, for me it's the exact opposite
who pinged me?
Toki Tori is fun, it's a puzzler.
I'm loving how Wikipedia has a page for List of video games developed in the Netherlands and Hong Kong.
I did, thought you were still there
only the dutch can make a game about 'indoor racing'
if it makes anyone feel better I live in canada
7:13 PM
Another Canadian!
Blame Canada!
we're starting to get outnumbered people
oh wow Fairytale Fights was developed here?
(okay...I agree... not funny)
oh great, now there's dutch in the starred feed
7:14 PM
quick, remove the stars!
we should clean the starred feed a bit...
I don't know if you guys have had a chance to review this, but:
A: Voting on the future of list of X questions

tzenesEdit: If you disagree please post a comment to promote discussion. I'd like to take this opportunity to discuss the subject of [game-rec] questions. I realize there are a number of topics on this issue with diverse responses (one even linked by Ivo here) and that I've responded in some, but I b...

excuse me, but holy shit
that's the longest answer I've ever seen on SE
reviewed and voted already.
I write wrong answers
because I want to cover everything
7:21 PM
I'm about halfway through, I'm gonna need more coffee
lol, black, sugar, milk, both?
black please :)
tzenes, you're making me want to create that website
HTTP ERROR 418 "I'm a teapot"
I wonder if there's an implementation of that somewhere
I can just imagine Google using HTCP in their offices.
> The editor Emacs actually includes a fully functional implementation of it, and a number of bug reports exist complaining about Mozilla's lack of support for the protocol.
The Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP for short) is a protocol for controlling, monitoring, and diagnosing coffee pots. HTCPCP is specified in the jocular RFC 2324, published on 1 April 1998. Although the RFC describing the protocol is an April Fools' Day joke and not to be taken seriously, it specifies the protocol itself accurately enough for it to be a real, non-fictional protocol. The editor Emacs actually includes a fully functional implementation of it, and a number of bug reports exist complaining about Mozilla's lack of support for the protocol. Ten years after the pu...
with nice picture!
7:28 PM
that's a really irrelevant picture
where are the coffeepots supporting it though?
we do kinda need an eXtensible Tea Language too
write it! ;)
btw: must close tabsplosion.
needs a single close vote to be closed:
Q: How To Make Custom Map for Counter-Strike 1.6?

Vizay SoniHow can I make a custom map for Counter-Strike? What tools / software do I need? If possible, could you include a tutorial?

reading questions on MSO makes me think I'm really really un-unique
In what regard?
Q: What real life bad habits has programming given you?

Jacob T. NielsenProgramming has given me a lot of bad habits and it continues to give me more everyday. But I have also gotten some bad habits from the mindset that I have put myself in. There simply are some things that are deeply rooted in my nature, though some of them I wish I could get rid of. A few: Loo...

that for example
no, that is just an implementation of power by numbers.
7:42 PM
If A has X but not Y and B has Y but not X and you have both, you are still unique, even if both X and Y are posted by A and B in that thread.
I think excessive literalism is in there somewhere ;-)
not to mention controller buttons.
not funny?
I invoke ↑↑↓↓←→←→â’·â’¶
now that I understand
but never got to apply it
again, I hate my age regarding gaming
7:49 PM
an episode of Helling Ultimate referenced the Konami code, I laughed so hard
hmm... I love the virtual console! allows me to play game made before i was born!
The Konami Code works on Facebook.
yeah, but my age doesn't allow me to appreciate it well enough
it doesn't work
also, I am so registering xn--ba-rzuadaibfa.com
7:53 PM
make it a redirect to the gaming stackexchange!
an answer o_0
A: Where can I find serious teammates in Modern Warfare 2?

CristinaHave a go at pro forums or people who host private matches on Steam, I'm assuming you are playing on PC. This is a semi decent group. Good luck finding others.

I think the last sentence is a little unnecessary
still funny...
It's a really condescending answer in total
false too, there's plenty of clans etc
Seems like a weird question to post on a Q&A site to me, tbh
If you don't know how to search for a clan on your own, I'm not sure how much hope there is for you :P
wait a minute.. while we were all on an editing spree
has anyone noticed this is another List of X question?
7:59 PM
technically, you're right... s/where/how/ ... fixed.
I don't really think it's really that appropriate. How can we even give a best answer to that? "Practice with friends," "make friends if you don't have any," "try clan x." At best it's a list question that's mostly useless to others, at worst, it ends up a mess of clan promotion.
exactly, it's subjective/argumentative
If it was something like "What are better methods of communication" or "What are some good tips so I can practice team play" or something, that'd be answerable, but as is...
close it?
8:02 PM
This chat makes it so much easier to discuss questions.
one vote left gogogo
already voted.
Who's gonna leave a comment?
8:03 PM
you know, I really wonder what non-computer minded people do with their free time
@alexanderpas not a requirement on SE sites
wow... nice unwrapping there with the url! +1 for @Jeff
I don't see any unwrapping
that was a tinyurl -> lmgtfy, which got unwrapped to google.
I only see ... after google.com
oh huh
8:05 PM
twitter does that too
I had a search query for a website set up, so a bit.ly url showed up, I was wondering what had triggered the search
then I visited it and it linked to that site
added comment to the closed question
(nearly closed)
Heh, was about to say that ^^
8:09 PM
removed the condescending part from the answer before it's closed
potentially closed!
McKay just displayed ignorance again
he changed playlist to "play type"
they're actually called playlists in-game
ping @tzenes
I really want to talk to McKay off-site
My inner formatting snob made me edit the answer.
8:11 PM
I can't comment on questions he edits because they're not about the question
Incidentally, how come you changed "teammates"? :o That's acceptable Englsh.
I'm here
what do you need?
Oh mighty tzenes, we need one more close vote.
Q: Where can I find serious teammates in Modern Warfare 2?

Luc MI began to play to Modern Warfare 2 three weeks ago. I'm better when I play in Free For All. When I play any other playlist, I'm very bad. I guess I need to improve my team play, but it seems that everyone is playing for himself without team play. I tried to follow a high level player to cover...

Q: Where can I find serious teammates in Modern Warfare 2?

Luc MI began to play to Modern Warfare 2 three weeks ago. I'm better when I play in Free For All. When I play any other playlist, I'm very bad. I guess I need to improve my team play, but it seems that everyone is playing for himself without team play. I tried to follow a high level player to cover...

8:12 PM
really? I thought English standards were to separate.. what's the word
now we just wait for the complain question on meta
Nah, teammates is correct. I've never actually seen team-mates used until now.
my bad
No problem. :)
8:13 PM
Same. And often, yes, but there's no direct rule I don't think...
google: team-mates - Did you mean: teammates
We certainly don't mush together nouns as often as the Dutch language does though, haha
D: double negative
stupid people down voting without posting comments
8:14 PM
yeah, that's what tripped me up, in dutch it never has a space, ever
downvoting what?
haha yeah
even typing it is difficult ;-)
I don't think I can spell that one off the top of my head yet :P
8:16 PM
dutch is too weird sometimes.
whenever I think about the word, my brain hits the "ten"s and then wants to just keep adding more
it is indeed
I'm currently studying for the Staatsexamen II
taking it at the end of Sept
this still needs one more vote
Q: How To Make Custom Map for Counter-Strike 1.6?

Vizay SoniHow can I make a custom map for Counter-Strike? What tools / software do I need? If possible, could you include a tutorial?

Well, I'm going to go for a while. Bye everyone.
already voted
8:19 PM
I know, again :P
I'm talking to the people that havent
did @tzenes vote on that one?
Gonna go play some more of this week's L4D2 mutation, later all
what is it btw?
Unlimited M60 ammo :D
8:23 PM
Hello @BryanM, you might want to register on gaming.stackexchange.com if you've got a question in need of a definitive answer on the topic of gaming
Makes expert runs easier
working on trying to get some more done for the achievement
might try too
unlimited ammo is always interesting.
I have almost every achievement unlocked I think.. well I did until I lost them
8:24 PM
the clip is unlmited too, so no reload time
it's great fun
completely skewing my stats now but oh well, haha
just keep that button pressed...
I'll just bind a key to shoot
easy way to get Til It Goes Click if you don't have it yet
rubber band on your fire key.
how the hell do you put a rubber band on a key?
8:26 PM
also The Passing on Expert sucks
If you're on console, you could
ah right, I'm not
By binding the right key, on the corner of your keyboard
Me neither
alternative, anything heavy work too. (and no, a spy disguised as heavy does not work.)
pff, the last time I played TF2 is a long time ago
8:30 PM
I stopped playing when they turned it into an RPG
it's a HCG
hats hats hats
I was pinged?
but also the weapons
8:30 PM
I haven't done any of the crafting stuff
if you don't play for long enough you're at a disadvantage
tzenes, did you vote to close this one?
Q: How To Make Custom Map for Counter-Strike 1.6?

Vizay SoniHow can I make a custom map for Counter-Strike? What tools / software do I need? If possible, could you include a tutorial?

when it came up
that was what the ping was about I think
too bad we can't move to game-dev already
anyway, I've played TF2 since the beta came out
and in the 9 years prior I played TFC (okay, not really all of the 9 years)
8:32 PM
Valve time?
real time
TF2 took 9 years of development
anywho, zombie slaughter time, later all o/
TFC was created in 1996
also, alex, that post wasn't made on october 10, 2007 ;-)
if you count TFC, it took 9 years in total
don't know what whomever wrote that article is smoking
Valve Time Reality Bubble?
8:45 PM
9:10 PM
ping @ArdaXi @FallenAngelEyes @tzenes @JuanManuel
Hello, @sblom, the question you've asked is not very well suited for our site, as there is not a single definitive answer.
9:24 PM
I commented on the question.
9:46 PM
that's awfully open ended ...
yes, open ended, not to mention subjective, as it totally depends on playstyle.
Is the X axis days in the past?
days, you can see the area where the beta was closed. (and it starts with 0 messages.)
Over 9000 messages! :o
yes, and also Over 8000! (Kai)
03:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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