@TheAce But it lacks info, like: Is it an official controller, does the controller work with other games, has he installed the right drivers, what has he tried etc...
@fredley I got it at a book sale because a) I happen to know Stephenson, and b) since all books were going for a flat price, this was quite literally the most book per dollar I could buy
He voiced his opinion that using a controller for such games is silly and recommended not doing it, then went ahead and tried to solve your issue anyway, if you insist in controller usage.
Voters, please remember to leave a comment when voting to close as unclear if you believe there is important information the question is lacking. — Wipqozn52 secs ago
@TheAce There's nothing wrong with using a controller. I never said there was. There's just usually no reason to ever do so on PC, not for FPS's, due to the very clear advantages keyboard and mouse give you. So people can't fathom why you'd want to handicap yourself.
@Frank I think the problem is that you're giving the impression (unintentionally?) that the problem with his question, one of them at least, is he didn't say why he was using a controller.
@TheAce But it lacks info, like: Is it an official controller, does the controller work with other games, has he installed the right drivers, what has he tried etc...
@Frank I don't know that we should ever need to know why someone wants to use a controller when they ask to get it working. The why is completely irrelevant to answering the question.
@Wipqozn Naturally
Upon reading those Pratchett quotes, I've come to realize I don't like his writing style. JUST LOOK AT THAT UNNECESSARY COMMA
Not What He Seems is really really amazing. It's completely different from almost every other episode of the show, and it's pretty much a mid-season finale
@Frank I agree in the case of downvotes, but not close votes. Close votes have pretty specific reasons they should be used. To be fair, "Unclear what you're asking" is the most subjective of them
I'm not claiming anyone made a super downvote. I'm not actually claiming anything. I'm just against the idea that an asker should need to specify why they want to know for a question to avoid closure.
I'm pretty sure my position on that would be very difficult to argue with.
@Wipqozn Anyway, it's the mid-season break. You can now safely binge watch all 11 S2 episodes, then wait restlessly for the next few month so that the cliffhanger can be resolved
I have been searching a lot for fixes I tried all of them, but still not working. I also tried all of the steps, updating my computer, downloading .net (already have it), re-downloading or replacing rads_user_kernel, running as administrator and running CCleaner.
I know there are a lot of things...
> If you like Pi (and follow the m/dd/yy convention) you may be interested in knowing that in about 24 hours, the date and time will be: 3/14/15 9:26:53.589793238...
@KevinvanderVelden I'll be sure to link that to every single US client that wants me to display date strings when they tell me to shut up and do it the way they want
@Sterno depends, a lot of people with nice cars generally like to drive. even race, you can't and probably shouldn't bring your day-to-day car to a track day.
Is it an American thing where people fix up cars and add ridiculous shit to them, then drive them around town hoping everyone notices and thinks they're super cool, or is the entire world dumb?
I still remember when I visited Darby, our host was trying to explain to me some ridiculous lengths people go to in the UK to get certain license plate numbers, or something.
> Here are a few small tidbits of info about Cities: Skylines – day 1 we had 0% piracy. pretty cool. Day 2 16%. As usual our plan for pirates is to make a great game even better through free updates – making it more convenient to use Steam instead. It’s all about offering the superior service. That’s how we bring down piracy. By making the paid experience a superior one.
> Jorjani also says that Steam Workshop is “the best “DRM” ever”, recognising the ridiculous amount of community creations already available for Skylines.
@Frank And probably the 16% too. 16% of what? And how do you even measure it. But whatever.
After reading several Guides I stumble upon this article where a cap of 3686 haste is mentioned.
According to icy-veins Haste weights more than multistrike till BiS. But I wonder if there is a soft-cap after which crit or multistrike becomes more viable ?
And how does this effect the Procs of ...