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^ Switch 2 expected in September
Can the programmers here all take a minute to cry over this huge switch case for Undertale's NPC dialogue?
@SPArcheon-onstrike And there's two options there - either there's no difference, or the ultra faster bike is a cheat code.
No other options.
@Otaku Wow, that's awful. I wish I could say it looked auto-generated.
A giant switch statement, logic within individual cases, business logic mixed with presentation, globals, magic numbers
5 hours later…
@Otaku The Undertale NPC dialogue switch is a classic horror story, but it's also a clear example of the concept that clean code is only really relevant if you're part of a team and need to be able to easily extend the product. AFAIK Undertale never really got any additional content added in patches, only bugfixes
1 hour later…
@Nzall Was it fine that the code was like that because there was no additional content, or was there no additional content because the code was like that?
@Otaku I would refrain to comment on code that could as well be the results of a decompiler
@Otaku also... why you focus on that instead of doing the useful thing and look for unused dialogues?
@murgatroid99 I love how people don't realize that Toby didn't exactly plan to expand Undertale. That is because something that caught so many off guard... was actually hinted to from the start.
The plan has always been about Deltarune.
> Dark Darker Yet Darker The Darkness Keeps Growing The Shadows Cutting Deeper Photon Readings Negative This Next Experiment Seems Very Very Interesting
7 hours later…
The double nazi salute was the last straw
Yeah I stopped using Twitter a long time ago. It's a cesspool now.
Not that I used it much anyways
I assume X did something horrible that I am missing? Or someone got them banned?
@SPArcheon-onstrike Elon Musk did 2 nazi salutes at a Trump rally
As in straight up right hand on his heart then sharply extending it to the upper right
His explanation was that he was emoting "my heart goes out to you"
I heard about that
Society is devolving, time for Americans to move continents
I really would love to be able to say this surprises me.
5 hours later…
@Nzall and the overbite
@Otaku and after that we attach thrusters to the US and launch it into space
which funny enough will make us closer to how the world is in Ys after Ark of Napishtim flooded and destroyed the Americas when the Darklings tried to take control of it
in which case i'll would suggest every passenger ship starts double checking for red haired men who call themselves Adventurers

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