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@SPArcheon-onstrike i play my visual novels on PC
Switch 2 having Physical Backwards Compatibility means i can carry over the games i havn't played yet on the Switch like Tears of the Kingdom, some Mario games, Astral Chain, etc
1 hour later…
Also, there's a good chance there will be problems with the joycons again. They were already drifting in the trailer
@Nzall I know this is supposed to be a Mario Kart joke, but I will held you responsible for jinxing it if Nintendo won't still switch to Hal effect sticks.
2 hours later…
@Memor-X Astral Chain!!!
That’s a great game…
Q: Theme idea was converted to comment?

nobodyRight now I made an answer for theme idea but it was automatically converted to a comment. I swear this time I formated my answer correct if think. Can someone please explain why it happend?

@DaemonsMercy or wait for Fuga 3 and suffer again.
@Nzall i didn't know RTGame was in the trailer lol
@DaemonsMercy got to get around to that someday
maybe after Tears of the Kingdom
which will be after Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and X
@Memor-X Which will be after games w, x, y ;)
Q: What's our policy on tagging questions with games OP didn't specify?

DaemonsMercyIn this question, OP abbreviated the game name as DBL in the title, didn't expand on what the game was called, and didn't tag the question with the game (though the tag may not have existed). It's possible that DBL refers to Dragon Ball Legends, a fighting game from the Dragon Ball universe on An...

@SPArcheon-onstrike "Now featuring blue switches for a more satisfying Switch experience."
3 hours later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike Unfortunately this, too, suffers from stick drift. Eventually your lights will slowly turn on or off on their own
3 hours later…
Q: What is the default rank and suit of a stone card added to your deck?

StyxsksuThere are a few different times when stone cards are added to your deck, is there a default rank and suit for these cards or is there a way to determine what the value will be if we remove the enhancement?

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