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@Nzall Then you have to congratulate them on making the "Luigi wins by doing nothing" meme real.
They got everyone ...
4 hours later…
@DaemonsMercy I think that trend probably holds true for most sites on the network.
@MBraedley Honestly, it's only fair. The entire Stack Exchange network has in effect been designed from the ground up to have a finite lifespan. There's only so many questions you can ask about certain matters, and the advent of AI leads to a situation where it's much easier and more convenient for people to ask an AI than it is to ask other humans...
@Wipqozn If that stick - that they had the arrogance to show spinning - is NOT using hal effect and will AGAIN have drift issues.... I swear this time they are going to find themselves thrown in Odama secret level.
This really sounds like Sony PS5... and how coincidentally those games were all the ones the new order would call too fanservice.
I will place my bet on 90% the visual novels to be incompatible, much to @Memor-X annoyance.
oh, and Isaac too so that the nice guys at Nical can scam the customers again with a new version that is incompatible with the older DLC.
Why would visual novels be incompatible, it'll be games that use weird graphical quirks or the IR sensor which it looks like the new joycons don't have
@Ronan Aren't a lot of them just straight up porn? Or is that only on PC?
Depends what you mean by "a lot"
Let me rephrase that. How many of the visual novels on the Switch are porn games? Does the switch even HAVE porn games, considering Nintendo's obsession with being the family friendly platform?
@Ronan I don't own either of these... but Sony made one Senran Kagura game where they removed one of the fanservice minigames compatible with the PS5 while the one that still has it is not.
@Nzall Ask someone else, I'm not Konata and don't play those. All I know is that most adult visual novels are indeed censored, which ended up in some funny things like games that started as adult like Nekopara becoming more "tame". As far as I know that even had a fanservice-but-not-H anime made because of that.
@Nzall Also, I think that the horrible Agony managed to get on switch too.
And for a brief period, Switch was actually the console with LESS censoring of anime games compared to Sony PS4/PS5

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