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stumbled on this one
2 hours later…
Q: Screenshot of the Week #133 - Cats!

pinckerman Hello and welcome to the 133rd edition of the Screenshot of the Week! To start with, congratulations to the winner of the previous contest! nightsurfer's screenshot from everspace2 won with 12 upvotes! To submit a screenshot, simply post it as an answer to this question, but please take note o...

Jan 8 at 10:24, by SPArcheon - on strike
Gotta love how accessory companies are "leaking" the design of the Switch 2... and yet Nintendo is still silent.
In a "Totally unexpected" turns of even the company that went to CES and claimed to "have got their hand on an unreleased Switch 2 prototype" was sued by Nintendo
Who would have guessed that saying you bought on the black market a stolen unit of an unannounced console would have got you into trouble....
It looks so stupid that some reddit users are even wondering if this is actually some undercover viral marketing campaign
2 hours later…
(runs screaming for the hills)
@SPArcheon-onstrike I really don't think Nintendo would be capable of that on account of them being too archaic of a company to even consider doing something like that

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