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12:04 AM
Not to be confused with ordinary pvp, Deathmatching specifically refers to high cash risk fights using standardized gear where the only thing they do is click the other player one time until somebody dies
And is most often associated with real world trading, which is also against the rules
They apparently have a system to detect this now
Oh wow
Oh dude
So I did Perilous Moons yesterday
The kill you do during the quest? Got Blood Moon Tassets from that
Second kill? Eclipse Moon Chestplate
Fifth kill? Dual Macuahuitl AND Blue Moon Spear
Kills 15 and 16 got me the Eclipse Atlatl and the Eclipse Helm
I've only done the one, finishing up WGS
With a side quest for void helms since that final boss is a 3 way switch
@Unionhawk That was a fun one
@Unionhawk I got by with just a two-way
Now just hoping for more greater demon tasks
12:27 AM
Eh I have the lvl 100 boat now so the helms are going reasonably quick
And I want them anyway
Just need 300 more points which is only 50 games
On the level 100 boat
I actually used tome of fire charges for the first time in the first boss lol
Man, I still don't have a tome of fire
I have both tome and pet
But not axe
But axe is like 1/10k or whatever
1:32 AM
I don't think I've gotten any of those good drops
My axe was from DKs

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