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Q: Where do I need to go to find a Snorlax in Pokémon FireRed?

Amaar TotWhere should I go to find a Snorlax in Pokรฉmon FireRed?

I am seriously starting to think the average Genshin player (or at least the ones on reddit) is quite stupid. The comments on the alleged rumors/leak of a new abyss mode display a pretty widespread lack of understanding of the game mechanics, monetization and such
Should be clear when you call the abyss lev 12 "hard" instead of recognizing it as a mere dps check.
4 hours later…
@Unionhawk 5 days and no one starred this masterpiece. what has this place become ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”
@badp We still have stars from Jan on there. I remember when stars were lucky to last a day on the list.
@Wipqozn the easiest way to get a star to stick was a friday link
Side note, according to a click bait youtube title, the rocky mountains are in the wrong place. (note: I didnt click on it to find out why they thought that)

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