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Q: Does leaving the car on use up fuel?

StevoisiakIn Pacific Drive, when I put the car in park I can exit the car without turning off the engine. Does leaving the engine turned on use up fuel if the car isn't moving?

4 hours later…
@Memor-X It is different. You are looking at the store preventing you from buying a "DLC" to a product you don't own (kudos to the store, I thing the Nintendo one just has a disclaimer that basically says 'your fault, next time check')
While I was pointing out that the Deluxe upgrade is configured so that you can't apply it on the physical standard game.
For comparison...
Spiderman 2 let's you buy the Upgrade to Deluxe if you own the physical standard edition. FF7 Rebirth doesn't.
To summarize:
- not every game offers a standard-to-deluxe upgrade dlc.
- those that do can choose to block the upgrade if you have the **physical** standard edition.
I sincerely doubt Sony has time to meddle into this choice, especially when the same studios seem to often choose the same path.
So, unless you want to think that Sony has a grudge against Square and wanted to mess both with Remake and Rebirth while leaving Spiderman 2 alone ... I will put the blame of this on Square.
This is closer to the Sonic Superstar comic skins scandal
2 hours later…
Anyone else looking forward to the new Pokémon Legends Z-A? I'm so glad that mega evolutions are back.
My one small wish is that the eeveelutions would be granted for mega.
@DannyuNDos the "trailer" is awesome at telling you exactly nothing about the game. Could be something as useless as Pokemon GO! on console, a roguelike similar to Mystery Dungeon... we don't know.
And with the recent "give 1, take back three" Gamefreak style... I can't say I am looking forward to it until we don't get any actual info. And even then, no preorder after the Scarlet / Violet total crash.
Recent Pkmn games:
- killed performance - Scarlet / Violet run like trash and used to have savegame corruption issues
- killed customization - no skirts for females, clothes all look the same, alleged a consequence / censorship of a "scandal that never was" about reflective floors in diamond. Just censor the floors, not the outfit you idiots!
- killed bases: went from a small customizable area to a statue display in the Diamond remake.
- never evolved one single bit past the usual overused formula. People lamented that Zelda "dungeon-> item -> use item for boss -> repeat" was stale (and the
@SPArcheon and how is that Square's fault?
Sony likely don't have a checkbox saying [ ] don't allow purchase if physical copy
it's more likely to be [ ] don't allow purchase is not owned
@Memor-X NO, NON, NEIN, NEE, 아니요 , いいえ , NAO, NEI, TIDAK....
Even if you OWN the physical, you CAN'T buy the digital upgrade. So, it is indeed "don't allow purchase if physical copy"
@SPArcheon because the store does not care
the store doesn't register a physical copy against someone's account so then to it you don't own a copy
@Memor-X ok, sorry, I stop here, don't take any offense but... you are not listening. Spiderman 2 works, this doesn't. So "the store cares" for Spiderman but "does not care" for Final Fantasy. Something is different, and I don't think it is Sony doing.
@SPArcheon so then after inserting a disk, you can freely download Spiderman 2 correct?
even if you sell the disk you can still go to the store and download instead of buy?
there 5 different publishers with their own "Edition Upgrades", one dating back to 2015
all 5 repeating the same sort of message because the store needs to record you brought the game, something that it doesn't do with physical games
this isn't some sort of conspiracy from Square to screw those with physical copies. someone likely decided it was better just to not let people who don't own the game buy the DLC Separately and checked an option that reflected that
infact it would have been better to separate out the items you use in-game and the Artbook/Soundtrack which required a separate application to view and then block the purchase of the Artbook/Soundtrack unless someone "brought" the content viewer
- Destiny: no sign of it being "only for owners of digital version". The pop up literally says "You need the following products before you can make this purchase: Destiny: The Taken King".
- King's Bounty II, same as above.
- The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners , same as above
- Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, same as above.
The Diablo II upgrade is indeed limited to the digital version "The Diablo® Prime Evil Upgrade is for existing owners of the digital version of Diablo® III: Eternal Collection on PlayStation® 4". No wonder, it is not like Diablo has a track of being ethical (see: D3
@DannyuNDos pokemon legends was the first pokemon game I enjoyed since gen 4, so I'm hoping the next one is just as enjoyable.
for the last time, it is clearly something done on a game basis.
Goat simulator let's you buy the "deluxe upgrade" even without the game. Multiple SAO games allows you to upgrade to deluxe if you own the . Hogwarts lets you buy the Dark Arts DLC from the "deluxe" edition no mater if you own the digital or the physical standard version, Valkire Elisium instead has that issue even if the page doesn't disclose it directly (it says you need the base game, not the digital version of the game. Wonder what company made this? Oh, surprise. Square.)
I don't feel like wasting more time to check game by game what you can upgrade and what you don't, but it should be pretty clear that it is something the publisher decides.
Eeek, even if we were to assume they can't decide (you still didn't answer WHO does that then, since you say is not Square nor Sony.. Jenova? Genesis?) then all it takes is to release the exclusive "deluxe" content as separate dlc that everyone can buy.
@SPArcheon it may be the publisher's choice to check that option as i mentioned before it's Sony's store that does the restricting and does not consider physical copies
i bet you if a physical copy got registered allowing a user to download the digital version, the upgrade will work
- some games allow you to buy a deluxe upgrade if you have a physical edition, some don't.
- some games allow you to buy the deluxe version bonus content separately, no mater if you own a physical or digital version of the game.
- some games allow you to buy the "deluxe upgrade" even if you don't own the game
- some games "deluxe content" is actually a code for a stand alone dlc that anyone can buy at a later time if they will, no mater if they own digital of physical.
And now, forgive me but... SharePoint awaits.
1 hour later…
@DannyuNDos mega flygon or bust
@Yuuki Mega Rayquaza. It's so fucking busted they intended an entirely new competitive Pokémon category for it
huh? we're talking about megas we want to see, mega rayquaza exists and no one wants to see it again
i always disliked the megas for pokemon that were already strong (salamence, garchomp, etc.)
mega hoenn legendary trio (even if two of them were "primal reversion") was also loathsome
@Yuuki yeah... you wish. Want to bet now? If they bring back mega, you WILL end up with this monstrosity.
lol, i'm never going to bet against gamefreak making dumb decisions
Not the actual design obviously, but you get the idea.
Mega Arceus will be a thing.
the fact that they officially cited "artist block" as the reason why mega flygon didn't make it while mega glalie exists is laughable
@Yuuki yeah... about that...
want to talk about these two?
now... had they at least kept their original colors...
i mean, i'm hardly going to defend gamefreak's design choices
@Yuuki I mean, they should be totally good if another unrelated team came to basically the same designs without anything illegal like plagiarism, stealing, editing or such going on, right?
It is just that when you say mouse our brain automatically thinks yellow and electricity. After all that is how real mouses are, right :P ?

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