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chibi Knight of Astora figure for preorder on AmiAmi
Stumbled on a Tim Follin playlist...
@Fredy31 Genshin adding an in-game char building guide.
only one small thing is missing.
A guide on "How can I get some decent enough artifact when they stack like 10 RNG layers one above the other and after a few months farming I still not have a single usable crow/goblet for [insert character here]?"
"This character wants Elemental Mastery main stat and Energy Recharge / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG subs."
Oh, you mean the same EM mastery that has a 2.5% chance to show up on a Goblet?
And then you must hope that it gets good sub stats too, that it gets good level up bonuses etc...
1 hour later…
Does @badp still show up here?
I only ask because I want to show him my latest approach to cooking spaghetti
I think he'll like it
@fredley is that a legit automated spaghetti cooker?
2 hours later…
Not just spaghetti, it cooks a lot of things. We use it basically every day to cook all our food. Truly life-altering machine, surprised they're not more popular.
@fredley he's in the Arqade discord more often than here
2 hours later…
Remember, the past few days already saw the first skirmishes.
But the real fight starts in a few hours.
soon the herds will get their hands on the games, play it nonstop while skipping the dialogues and get angry at an ending that can't possibly make everyone happy
Be ready for the storm.
> Mess is coming.
That is what annoys me so hard about genshin.

And then you want a weapon; an artefact? same fucking thing
and that grind will not just give you a small bonus, thats basically the main boost of power of your character. like auto attacks deal 1000 damage vs 10 000
Ive made my peace that i'll never clear the abyss
@Fredy31 naaah, the only issue outside artifacts is that the talent material are time-gated to the weekly bosses.
Weapon / levels you can manage kinda easily.
the real issue is artifacts. That is the real trash system.
The artifact system should be deleted and turned into what you have in Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet.
Instead, it is basically the same in every Hoyoverse game
You have to:
1) drop the correct set (every domain drops two sets, I am convinced it is not 50%/50%, see my question on the site)
2) get the piece you need (5 pieces - Feather / Flower / Sands / Goblet / Circlet)
3) get the preferred main stat (good stats have a far lower % than bad ones, changes for each piece. For example Elemental Mastery Goblet has a 2.5% chance)
4) get good enough sub stat (preferably 4, again good stats like Crit % have a much lower rate than useless ones like Def)
5) hope the starting values are good enough (each sub stat has a range of values)
the issue is that if you aren't lucky there is no progression.
you can make an incredibly grindy upgrade system that takes you social life away but at least makes you feel you are going somewhere. It doesn't matter if it will take three months if at the end of the day you can see you are at least a little stronger than yesterday.
Genshin artifacts is just hit or miss.
It is gacha like the characters.
you can "train" for a week and get nothing at all. Then get a good artifact in a single day.
but while players will tolerate unlocking characters or weapon in a gacha lottery, once they won them they want to be able to play them without any more need to get lucky to be actually viable.
BTW, I don't know if you folks got the news about a recent FF7 Intergrade patch stealthy censoring an outfit in a 3 years old game.
Now, look at Tifa new "outfit" (read: swimsuit) in Costa del Sol in the new game. And the camera angle.
If this will be censored in a month or two then you know they were so pathetic to add it to boost initial sales knowing they would remove it later.
1 hour later…
What was so problematic in intergrade
isnt it mostly yuffie?
@Fredy31 Yuffie is the INTERmission DLC Intergrade is the original game + INTERmission
as for the change, they modified one single outfit in the ... flashback part I think? So it is the cowboy hat Tifa.
the cowboy tifa was in remake?
completely forgot lol
as for the swimsuit in the new game, just google it.
Same company, so it looks quite suspicious imho, wouldn't be surprised if it was a release day bait and switch (get most of the sales in the first month, then pretend to censors as it was not planned)
Can't care less about the fanservice yet it would still seem a very low level marketing move
Oh no cleavage.
@Fredy31 Think of the children!

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