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> "So, we want to announce the new game called PokeNite, a collaboration with People Can Fly that will add guns and base building to the usual gimmiks"
Also, since it is fashionable nowadays, we will add some new huge pokemon bosses.
- one is a water/lighting giant sea lizard called
(sorry, I blame cat.)
- one is a water/lighting giant sea lizard called Latiascros
- one is a fire/poison dragon that we love to call Rattatalos
... jokes aside, new remake incoming?
(and final nail in the coffin for "fixing Scarlet/Violet". They just moved to the next project)
5 hours later…
I think we should remove the incorrect info from the tag page (rom hack? That is just how Mario 64 always was. Everyone knows each copy is different) and make it a synonim to
Q: When do I boost to dodge a blue shell?

aytimothyWe've established in numerous posts that you can boost out of a Blue Shell or Super Horn it... But we haven't established when. I've been trying to boost through a Blue Shell, and it yet still hits me while my boost is going, or the boost does not activate at all and I eat (still get hit by) the ...

4 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: Impact reached bug?

DialFrostIn my profile it says the impact reached is 214k people. How is this possible? I checked all of my answers and questions and there is no way they total up to 200k+ people reached. Is this a bug?

3 hours later…
Elden Ring DLC Release Date has been announced
and it's gameplay reveal trailer has shown how sadistic FromSoftware can be to players who's seen Fullmetal Alchemist

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