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15 hours later…
I just added entries #108 and #108 to the Hall of Fame

Gods that was horrible. It's so inefficient and slow to check everything and write it all out.

Anyway, I'll start the other entries soon... any tips to make it more efficient?
Just did #110, #111 - it's faster now I know what to do, but still inefficient.
Also, @Joachim - the template definitely helps, at least when figuring out what to do.
@Daemons Thanks for doing this!
2 hours later…
Yeah, anytime.
5 hours later…
Just caught an error - I said earlier I added #108 twice - I meant #108 and #109.
Q: Is this SotW submission acceptable?

DaemonsHere’s a link to the answer. The image submission is below. It’s been spoilered because it’s a bit gross (it’s pixelated art of a fleshy monster with multiple appendages/growths and what appear to be distressed faces). Fabian Röling said in a comment, That is definitely NSFW in some way. I do n...

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