2 hours later…
@Unionhawk you've been playing Payday 3 right (on PC)? Have you had any game crashes? I just picked the game up and unfortunately its crashing non stop saying
Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - HUNG)
Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - HUNG)
Its verrrrrry similar to the error I get (still) with God of War on PC that I posted here about once.
Disabled windows defender and did two of the tutorials without issue... idk if its a fluke or its actually fixed. Can't do a heist because their servers are overloaded and dead, but maybe tomorrow I can try a heist again and see
the other thing I did was closed out msi after burner, which payday 2 once gave me trouble with similar software
I tried this command: /give @p potion{display:{Name:'{"text":"Mystical Potion"}'},CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:8,Amplifier:2b,Duration:300,ShowParticles:0b},{Id:14,Amplifier:1b,Duration:200,ShowParticles:0b},{Id:28,Amplifier:1b,Duration:300,ShowParticles:0b}]} 1 This potion should give the player in...
3 hours later…
@Memor-X I have discussed this in mine room quite a bit, so if you want you could look here. Just drop me a ping if you want write access, I have switched the room in gallery for some reason some time ago.
usually a gacha tries to force players into getting new characters / items by crafting new events in a way that makes the player experience miserable if they don't own the new character.
This can be made in many way: extreme powercreep (old characters "age out" fast and are too weak to handle the new content"), "boosted characters" systems (basically the same, new character are given some bonuses like more atk or faster skill CD so the old one are artificially disadvantaged), debuff lock-in (the boss uses a set of debuff that only the new character handles efficiently) and so on.
Genshin has an action "Sword of Mana style" battle system, open 3d world and so on so those gymmiks don't really work (you could try powercreep but it would become very evident and damage the open world exploration too)
Example: Yoimiya is on sale. At the same time release Yoimiya centered quest that ends with pure fanservice "ImaAdorable" scene.
Forget about her for the next month while she is not buyable, then as soon as she reruns drop part two, 20% more adorable.
This has a problem though: character are focused on only when on sale and "left out" when they are not because the game needs to fanservice someone else.
Therefore you only have the main character being universally present while everyone else is just a "background pony" that is at the center of the show only during their episode.
@Memor-X so, after this premise (that wasn't short as I wanted, forgive me please) my point simply is that the trailer for this new game almost look like a Persona game. The five character don't look just "background fillers" to a main one, it looks like the plot is centered around all five of them. And that would not work for a gacha.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
in Sugarcube Corner, yesterday, by SPArcheon
usual disclosed gacha game have a "pre-register now and get free something" advertisement scheme
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
I have found this space ship: How can I see what "Piloting Skill" level I need to set this space ship as my new "Home Ship" (pressing H) and fly it? Currently I can not switch to it because of lacking "Fliegen-Skill". (I play the German version and I'm not sure, what skill exactly I need.) Could...
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