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@Nzall just nitpicking (it is monday...)
How do you speed run Mega Man Maker???
It is like speedrunning Lunar Magic for Super Mario World...
Also... no Desert Bus :P ?
(yea, yea, I know that Desert Bus charity streams do exist, just joking here)
4 hours later…
@Nzall all i have is this URL with a stream on it if it's correct to pin
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon Like when they do a Mario Maker speedrun, its more a showcase of levels that were made by the GDQ community, what they often do is a race between a few runners.
@Fredy31 yes that was my guess, but then why don't add the level/mod/hack name in the stream info?
To keep it blind to the runners i guess. And I think I heard them say, for the MarioMaker stuff, that the levels are not made until GDQ. A small team builds the levels while the stream is going on
@Fredy31 That makes sense. Also.... DURING the stream?
Well, usually its a late segment, so the team starts on sunday, works together to build the levels, and then give them to the runners on friday for their segment
The GDQ in general stream, not the MM segment
@Fredy31 at least they aren't probably as "nice" as I would be...
Think I saw there are Genshin speedruns
@Fredy31 <google> Did you mean: Abyss Floor 12? </google>
Stop. I can only handle so much trauma
@Fredy31 the problem with Genshin is that optimization is rubbish if you really try to min-max, but abyss requires EXTREME min-max
Simple example: Ganyu
In any simple game choosing the artifact should be easy.
Ganyu -> ice -> ice artifact -> Blizzard Strayer
unless you use Freeze - restricting yourself to a SPECIFIC reaction (thus having to swap if you want to play any different) Blizzard Strayer 4pz bonus is mostly useless
and oddly, most of the time you end up with Wanderer set being better.
Because it gives an higher bonus to charged attacks - the thing Ganyu uses most.
On top of this, add the horrible experience of artifact farming rng (and apparently Star Rail isn't that better)
same principle
artifacts have a main stat, but then when you level them up it rolls extra stats
yep, so random artifact piece + random main stat + random secondary stat + random bonus on level up => artifact lottery
At the very least, they should remove all the different "[Element] DMG Bonus" and replace them with a single "Elemental DMG Bonus" that just matches the character type (if they are THAT scared of the bonus working on Benet c6 infusion - the one that most players don't want in the first place)
That alone would mean that if you get a DMG bonus main stat you avoid the RNG on the actual type being the one you need.
Like... Crimson Witch with Hydro bonus.
7 hours later…
Q: Screenshot of the Week #92

JoachimHello and welcome to the 92nd edition of the Screenshot of the Week! To start with, congratulations to the winner of the previous contest! Quijibo's picture from tetr.io won with 16 upvotes! Let's see if this aspect ratio behaves properly in the widget on the main page :) To submit a screenshot...


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