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Hi everyone.
There is a fakemon art blog to which I commission occasionally, and next time, I'd like to commission a fanmade region forms of eeveelutions.
The name of my fanmade region is Körea, but some people argued this sounds too literal.
What's your opinion?
2 hours later…
@DannyuNDos I think that if you name your region after a real place, you have to accept that people will always be making comparisons with the real place, for better or for worse. I didn't even notice the umlaut the first time I read it, and I think others will miss it too, so it looks like you just directly use the name of the real place.
On the other hand, Kanto, the first Pokemon region, is the actual name of a region of Japan, and that seems to have gone over just fine
If I were to pick a specific region of South Korea, I'd pick Sejong. What name would that give?
12 hours later…
Q: Does shield surfing on rails lower shield durability?

StevoisiakI've noticed that when I shield surf on minecart rails the shield seems to last longer than if I shield surf on solid ground. In fact, I've never seen a shield break from rail surfing. Does shield surfing on rails use up durability at all?

8 hours later…
Apparently GDQ starts today, can someone make the pinned star?

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