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@Nzall depends on the job but yeh. you'll notice the job stress decreasing when you make people unemployed. i notice Miner and Banker increases by .2% while Farmer, Jumberjack, Quarry Worker, Crystal Miner and Entertainer only increase by .1%
4 hours later…
Man, I am so bad at being evil in games
16 hours later…
Q: Rename [ultimate-mvc3] to [ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3]

StevoisiakI propose renaming the tag for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 from ultimate-mvc3 to ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3.

Q: Rename [forza] to [forza-motorsport]

StevoisiakI propose renaming the tags for the Forza Motorsport games from forza to forza-motorsport. This would help prevent confusion with forza-horizon. forza-3 -> forza-motorsport-3 forza-4 -> forza-motorsport-4 forza-5 -> forza-motorsport-5 forza-6 -> forza-motorsport-6

Q: Use full titles for Telltale's [the-walking-dead]

StevoisiakI propose renaming the tags for Telltale's The Walking Dead series to use the full titles. the-walking-dead -> the-walking-dead-season-one the-walking-dead-2 -> the-walking-dead-season-two the-walking-dead-3 -> the-walking-dead-a-new-frontier

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