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@Wipqozn Yeah, me too :(
@Batophobia I'm really hoping we get something Monster Hunter related.
@SaintWacko pfft, nerd
2 hours later…
@Ronan I've been burning vacation days this week lol
Today's schedule: wake up about 9:30, nap to about 11, alright fuck I did do about an hour of data work unrelated to the job I get paid for
Day 2 Part 1 finished for me: https://github.com/Memor-X/advent-of-code/tree/main/2023/02-Puzzle1

well i did it yesterday but only uploaded it today. part 2 already have an idea what i need to do but got a meeting in 6 minutes so will have to wait
@Memor-X you go girl
2 hours later…
@Wipqozn There it is
2025?! :(
Okay I finally go to bed
and the game of the year is BG3
1 hour later…
Day 2 Part 2 done: https://github.com/Memor-X/advent-of-code/tree/main/2023/02-Puzzle2

got confused with how Power was to be calculated. copied and adjusted my Max-Game to do the reverse and get the lowest values but realized that the highest number of each colour is the minimum needed for a game to be possible. so ended up doing more work than what i really needed to lol
3 hours later…
Belgian studio Larian's Baldur's Gate 3 dominates the Game Awards with 6 wins - pcgamer.com/baldurs-gate-3-game-awards-goty
6 hours later…
@Unionhawk Just as everyone expected
Bah, I'm going to have to do a LCM on this guy, aren't I? (AoC 8.2)
@Nzall tbh, if i had a proper suit of armor, i'd also wear it absolutely everywhere i reasonably could
@Yuuki Sven's suit of armor is also a bit of a recurring joke. Every time he hosted a preview panel of new features, he would be wearing it
@MBraedley Yes
@Wipqozn I think my full ballot won essentially
@Unionhawk Fancy
Oh nope
Nov 14 at 5:12, by Unionhawk
goty: BG3, direction: AW2, narrative: AW2, performance: Neil Newborn, Astarion, BG3, debut indie: Pizza Tower, action/adventure: TOTK, RPG: BG3, most anticipated: Hades 2
@Unionhawk Wow, what a loser
Missed debut indie and most anticipated (Hades 2 was robbed)
Should call you LoserHawk
ALmost though
To be fair people are anticipating FF7 Remake Part 2
And I heard Cocoon was good
yeah I need to check out Cocoon
Honestly performance was obvious
That one was even more obvious than goty for a bit there
1 hour later…
@MBraedley How would you do LCM? Wouldn't the number of steps change based on where in the directions you are?
Just hope you don't need to worry about that
@Batophobia There's another issue with using LCM that you also fortunately don't have to consider for this problem
@Batophobia LCM works here because the inputs were specifically designed to ensure it works
That's a better way of phrasing it yeah
@Unionhawk well, Keighley is known to bro love Kojima
@Batophobia It would have been exceptionally mean to have it such that you also have to check how many iterations of the input you have to go through in addition to the base number of steps. Also, the number of steps in the input is a factor of the answer to both parts.
Anyone familiar with GIMP know why when I adjust the color levels of this area, it's ignoring bits of it?
They're in the selection...
Oh, huh. Apparently, despite it showing that they were in the selection, they actually weren't
2 hours later…
@SaintWacko I'm not familiar with GIMP, but are you sure they're actually in the selection?
(Note: I typed that after seeing your message, yes I'm a prankster)

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