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So, I am helping my FIL rehab his Mazdaspeed Miata, been sitting in Arizona for 3 years. Does this look like a reasonable prestart list?
Fuel System
Check/replace fuel lines
Replace fuel filter
Drain/clean/refill gas

Check and replace necessary wiring

Replace battery tray

Replace oil
Replace filter

Check fluid, replace if needed

Power Steering
Check fluid, replace as necessary

Replace overflow tank
Replace fluid

Pre start
Unplug spark plugs, turn over by hand
Fogging or Marvel mystery oil in each cylinder, optional
We have already replaced the brake master, clutch master as the plastics were banjaxed, same with windshield washer and coolant overflow tanks. Done a couple "nice" things like an oil filter relocation and washer tank relocation, had the rotors turned, getting new braided brake lines and a new clutch line.

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