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@msh210 @IsaacMoses @DoubleAA Amein, Amein, v'amein! May Hashem bless you, us, and all of klal Yisroel with revealed good, physically and spiritually!
@DoubleAA BH, can't complain 😅
Hope you're all doing well too! 😊
I'm so touched that this room still gets resurrected every year, and that people remember and think of me. It means a lot, thank you!
1 hour later…
@HodofHod Amen!
@HodofHod Well, it's a nice, reliable opportunity to get a bracha from a talmid chacham! (8vD
Thank you for coming back each year. You're always welcome on the Q&A site as well
2 hours later…
Yeah, what Isaac said.

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