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8:16 AM
@Adnan or @anyone What is the shortest way of displaying a list of strings as a grid? I currently have ε`ðý}» which I am not very happy with
8:27 AM
(it is for my answer here, if you need more context). .j and .J don't seem to work as I expected
8:56 AM
EDIT: I found €Sðý», but I still think it can be improved
Or εSðý=
@Mr.Xcoder You don't need the ðý part
9:12 AM
How does that work?
It automatically joins inner arrays of multi-depth arrays by spaces
@Adnan Thanks!
no problem :)
I am really starting to get the hang of 05AB1E, and it's really cool (it has some very neat built-ins)
9:40 AM
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, the most difficult part of learning 05AB1E is getting used to it
since it has a lot of 'hidden' features
@Adnan IMO getting used to string <==> integer is a bit tricky, since it can be both useful or very annoying.
And yay I just golfed one more byte :-)
9:56 AM
@Mr.Xcoder Ah yeah, that is also one of the more edgy things in 05AB1E
the main rule is that when you apply a 'string' function on an int, it converts into a string
and vice versa
I know, but it can be rather tricky when you want to vectorize
Anyway, It's been very helpful in my case
nice :)
BTW is the compressor on the starboard working? it seems quite malfunctional to me
Which one?
the dictionary compressor?
Wait I tested the one by Emigna
BTW yours opens an empty window for me @Adnan
10:01 AM
Empty window?
I just tested them all and they seem to be working fine
Yup, empty tio
Wait a sec
@Adnan Here
If I click on the link from your compressor, it opens a tio window with empty code
That is weird
let me try to post a golfed version of that compressor
Could you please send me another tio link for yours?
And Emigna's seems to fail if I want to compress "Help" for instance. When decompressing I get "elp"
It is very slow though
That works for me too, thanks!
Yup, great.
10:06 AM
@Mr.Xcoder yeah, that is because the compressed string can only contain lowercase letters and spaces
Ah I see

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