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hey everyone - do you guys read jcdfitness.com?
it's a pretty big fitness blog and he's accepting guest posts now - I think if we could put one together it would be a great opportunity to promote fitness. SE
@LaurenΨ I personally think that's a great idea.... but you'll have to run it by @IvoFlipse when/if he gets back from his trip :P
Sounds good - I just posted it as an answer to the meta post about our blog
A: Do you want to blog about becoming fit and working out?

Lauren ΨI just posted this idea in chat - but what do you guys think about writing guest posts for other blogs? I noticed that JCDFitness is accepting guest posts right now, and his blog is pretty big. I think if we could put together something that showcases fitness.stackexchange.com it would be a reall...

so he should see it
do you have any desire to give it a shot?
2 hours later…
Anyone got a link to some good, easy/simple/student-style recipes? Obviously with a bunch of protein and vegetables (call it paleo if you must)
There's a whole bunch of paleo recipes everywhere, but most of them assume I have access to a ton of exotic ingredients and all the time in the world.
@VPeric Heat a tablespoon or so of oil in a skillet. Saute some onion and/or garlic, add chopped/sliced protein, stir around periodically until protein is mostly cooked, add chopped veggies. Stir around periodically until it's all cooked. Toss in fresh herbs a minute or two before it's done if you want. Add salt and pepper whenever you add ingredients to the skillet.
oh yeah: if the veggies are cooking too slowly, toss a tablespoon or two of water in so that they get a little steamed.

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