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@mithoron I don't know. The issue has been raised with CMs, who are in charge of such matters. If they haven't done anything yet it might indicate they are busy or that this is more complicated than we might think.
7 hours later…
@BuckThorn I think you might be able to "destroy" him too. If he's using same mail to guest post that would stop him for maybe 6 months. Maybe undeleting one guest account and nuking it would work
1 hour later…
Q: How do you use entropy and enthalpy to explain how chemical reactions come to equilibrium?

Pen and PaperLet's say I have a reversible chemical reaction between A and B that will come to equilibrium in a closed system. How do I use the concepts of enthalpy, entropy and naturally then, Gibbs free energy, to explain how the system will eventually come to dynamic equilibrium if I started with all A? Th...

1 hour later…
@Mithoron the character in question is known to the CMs and the solution is evidently not that simple, but thanks for weighing in and helping out. There are a few things we are doing on our side as mods and I honestly doubt much can be done by the CMs, else it would have been (long ago). But they might prove me wrong.

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