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4:10 PM
Q: Identifying the rate-determining step from an energy-reaction coordinate diagram

MäßigeI was wondering how a rate-determining step would be identified for an energy-reaction coordinate diagram. The RDS would be the step with the highest activiation energy, but relative to what? Relative to the intermediate that came right before, or relative to the energy of the reactant as a whole...

2 hours later…
6:01 PM
Q: Is the surface electron affinity of (tribasic) sodium- or calcium phosphate higher?

Paul KolkLet's imagine, we have two polycrystalline samples: $\ce{Ca3(PO4)2}$ and $\ce{Na3PO4}$. A free electron is added to both. Some heat is released. I wanted to check whether my reasoning about this scenario is correct. Could not find any data about this, though. I already know, for some other materi...

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