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Q: I left scented candles in a polypropylene container. How do I remove the smell?

user24090727I left scented candles in a polypropylene container, for weeks. How do I remove the smell? I don't know what else to try... I've tried: Hand wash with Dish Soap (multiple times) Hand wipe with Isopropyl Alcohol (multiple times) Run through the dishwasher Cascade Pods (multiple times) Normal and...

7 hours later…
Q: Why do self cleaning windows use titanium dioxide (specifically in nanoparticle form)?

Judith JonesThis was another AQA GCSE Chemistry past paper exam question my neighbour's daughter (16) has. It is not dated but our inability to find a markscheme makes us guess it is 2023 as that markscheme is not yet generally published online. The question asks why nanoparticles of titanium dioxide are use...

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