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@LordStryker Compare to using (pure) carbon. Check out Ellingham diagrams.
4 hours later…
seeking a definitive answer is never a waste of time! (unless one does not exist)
IUPAC is somewhat silent on what an ox./red. agent is
1 hour later…
I guess "agent" is the key word. Carbon is oxidized, but what makes it an "agent"? IUPAC avoids defining a lot of stuff, although perhaps it's a question of searching long enough through its documents.
We've been searching
3 hours later…
@LordStryker "agent" should only be a reagent. Better say reductant, or reducer if you want to stretch meaning.
We are creating language. It's an artificial construct and seeking a definitive answer can certainly a waste of time if the question is moot.
1 hour later…
Q: Teaching stereochemistry of Tartrat(e)

Hauke Reddmann(I'm a German, thus no end e - otherwise the main gag wouldn't work.) Stereoisomeres are not 100% intuitive; it is telling that chemists came on the idea relative late (IMHO). The first compound separated was tartrat, which is even worse to intuition due to two stereocenters. It is tempting to pr...

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