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12:20 AM
@LeeWoofenden Meh. I don't think it's an improvement. Tags should be usable, work together, and be able to stand on their own.
Help me understand your vision for these tags.
Get some sample questions from the site and "retag" them here in chat. So find ones that should be tagged marriage, but not necessarily the other two, and so one. Then if you think there are combination cases show those two.
4 hours later…
4:38 AM
@fredsbend I simply think that the "marriage" tag should be defined prejudicially. It's unlikely that many, if any, questions would have to be retagged.
Ugh. don't think. I wish Chatsey still worked.
18 hours later…
10:25 PM
@MattGutting Meh. That's basically how we define Christians here ("people who think of themselves as Christian"), isn't it? I tend to think that this is usually the best way to define social groups.

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