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@Seth I know you and I have different opinions on a variety of subjects. I really enjoy a good argument and can get quite heated at times. Especially when it is with someone whose intelligence I respect, such as yourself. I just wanted to clarify that if you see me getting worked up (and you can't see the half of it, I'm far more excitable in person :) ), it is never anything personal.
I get a great kick out of people like you and Nathan who often hold the exact opposite position to my own and yet are more than capable of having a civil and reasoned discussion over it. I realize that's not everyone's cup of tea and I've kind of gotten the feeling you're not someone who enjoys confrontation.
So, I just thought I'd let you know that in my head, I'm not being confrontational at all! I have nothing but respect for you guys.
naw, it was all good.
OK, good. Just checking :)
the only problem I had with the entire thing is we're not misusing private rooms ;)
Fair enough.
See you back there.
@terdon trust me, AU mods have gotten talked to for using private rooms for anything beyond moderation issues..
@Seth Oh. Crap. OK, let's get out of here then.
the only reason I cut the conversation short is that it is my job to keep the room at least semi on-topic and we were getting waaay too off-topic, and I was leading.
I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't stop it eventually :)
@terdon easily fixed, just make it not private.
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
and yes, it's true I don't like confrontations. Mostly because the majority of confrontations that happen are between people who know they won't change the other's views and I've seen it lead to very hurt relations.
but that's it :)
I thrive on it. There's nothing I like more than someone who disagrees with me and who can put forth rational, intelligent arguments to support their position.
@terdon I have a lot of respect for you too :)
Awww :)
I wish more of you U&L people would come hang out with us.
Very few of us are active on chat.
Shame really, the heavyweights on U&L are really absurdly knowledgeable.

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