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3:00 PM
Q: Does there exist a non constant continuous function $f:[0,1] \to \mathbb R$ such that $\int_0^1x^n f(x)dx=0 , \forall n \in \mathbb Z^+$ ?

Saun DevDoes there exist a non constant continuous function $f:[0,1] \to \mathbb R$ such that $\int_0^1x^n f(x)dx=0 , \forall n \in \mathbb Z^+$ ? I know that $f$ is identically $0$ if the integral is also equal to $0$ for $n=0$ , but I cannot make a headway what will happen if I omit the $n=0$ case ....

Question contains please. [Does there exist a non constant continuous function $f:[0,1] \to \mathbb R$ such that $\int_0^1x^n f(x)dx=0 , \forall n \in \mathbb Z^+$ ?](math.stackexchange.com/q/1556585)
3:11 PM
Q: Simplify ^3√1̅6̅2̅x̅^̅6̅ y̅^̅7̅̅

Muniza SiddiquiThe answer is 3x^2 y^2 ^3√6̅y̅ How does ^3√1̅6̅2̅x̅^̅6̅ y̅^̅7̅̅ equal 3x^2 y^2 ^3√6̅y̅

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: How many ways can 6 be written the sum of positive integers

JacobHow many ways can 6 be written the sum of positive integers if numbers can be repeated and order is not important? Looking at this problem i want to say that you can get sum of 6 by adding 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, 5+1. so there are only 5 ways this can be rewritten. but i feel like im missing somethi...

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: limits of inverse trigonometric functions without L'hospital's rule

marg_ocruzHow do I solve this without using L'Hospital's rule? $$\lim_{h\rightarrow0} \frac{\cos^{-1}(\frac{1}{2}-h) -\cos^{-1}(\frac{1}{2})}{h}$$ I already tried letting $\theta=\cos^{-1}(\frac{1}{2}-h)$ gets $\cos\theta=\frac{1}{2}-h$ then $h=\frac{1}{2}-\cos\theta$, replaced all $h$ with this and I'm l...

Q: A problem on order of intersection of two subgroups

user295260Consider the multiplicative group $S=\{z:|z|=1\}\subset \mathbb C$. Let G and H be subgroups of order 8 and 10 respectively. If n is the order of $G \cap H$ , then what is n ? n=1 n=2 $3\leq n\leq 5$ $n\geq 6$ I am completely stuck on this problem ,please someone help me.Thanks.

Title contains problem. Question contains please. A problem on order of intersection of two subgroups
Q: Wrongly allocated achievements

markdwhiteI've had two achievements added in the last two days for questions I've had nothing to do with. Is this a bug? I want to insert members from php code into mysql database, it auto increment but no data is added How to set permissions for apache2 to let user create or edit files in /var/www/

Q: Edit of useless tag for question rejected by original questioner

shock_gone_wildrecently I tried to edit the tags for this post. My concern was to remove the tag 'eloquent' as it has nothing to do with the question. However this got rejected by the person who asked the orginal question. I'm completely sure that this tag is useless for this question. Why could the questione...

Q: Computing a line integral along a circle in $3$-D

Saun DevLet $C$ be the curve of intersection of the two surfaces $x+y=2 , x^2+y^2+z^2=2(x+y)$ . The curve is to be traversed in clockwise direction as viewed from the origin . The what is the value of $\int_Cydx+zdy+xdz$ ? I am not even able to parametrize the curve of intersection . Please help . Thanks...

Q: $\\inte^{2\theta}sin 3\theta$

Sunny$\int\ e^{2\theta}sin (3\theta)\ d\theta$ I am little stuck as to what I can do after this point. Please tell me if my method overall is flawed.

A title should not be all-MathJax; having some plain text helps with search and navigation. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Struggling to understand example of Ideal which is not finitely generated

Andrew BrickI'm working through an algebraic number theory book, but I can't understand the example shown below: I follow the example up till it assumes that $\frac{p_1}{q_1},...,\frac{p_n}{q_n}$ are the generators for the ideal $R$ of the abelian group $R$. "Then the only primes dividing the denominators...

Q: derivation on prime ring

1ENİGMA1Suppose that R is a prime ring and charR $\neq2$.$d_{1},d_{2}$ are derivations of R such that for some non-zero ideal of I of R and some $c\in C$ (C is an extenden centroid of R) $d_{1}d_{2}(x)=cx$ for all $x \in I$. I can't show following equality : By computing in different ways ...

Q: Writing a regular expertion for the language $L=\{0^n1^m|n\equiv m(\mod 2)\}$

NehoraiI need to write a regular expertion for the language of all the binary words that contains continuum of even number of zeros and after that even number of ones or odd number of zeros and after that odd number of ones $L=\{0^n1^m|n\equiv m(\mod 2)\}$ My try: $(00)^*(11)^*+0(00)^*1(11)^*$ ...

Q: Find the number of triangles whose sides lie on the given lines

CyberzingaI have n lines, their equations being aix+biy+ci=0. I want to find the number of triangles whose sides lie on the given lines. n (1<=n<=300000), the number of lines. Each of the following n lines contain 3 integers ai, bi and ci (ai,bi,ci < 109), the numbers defining the line i. Note: no three l...

Welcome to Math.SE, Cyberzinga. This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 20 secs ago
Q: how to construct non-Hamiltonian graphs

SmithI have been asked to construct a hamiltonian graph and a non-hamiltonian graph using the same degree sequence. I have had no problem constructing the hamiltonian graph however I am finding it extremely difficult to construct the non-hamiltonian one. Is there any steps I can follow when trying to ...

Q: Total unimodularity

Bob de BouwerLet $A$ be an $m\times n$ totally unimodular matrix. I want to show that in that case $A^T$ and $\begin{pmatrix} I\\A^T\\-A^T\end{pmatrix}$ are totally unimodular as well. However I have no idea how to prove this. Can you help?

Please don't use (self-learning) tag just because you were self-studying. This tag is only for questions about the process of self-studying. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Short title. Total unimodularity
Q: How to find the tangent cone to an ellipsoid

ZappaZIs there a standard way to find the tangent cone to a general ellipsoid from a point outside of the ellipsoid? Thanks!

Q: Finding matrix A in terms of matrix C in W*C=A*W

EmanI am solving an equation and I have a problem. In the right-hand side of my equation; I have everything in the form of (G+H+T)W except one term WC. (C,G,H,T are constant all Matrices(n*n), and W is an unknown matrix containing my nodes in the domain). In order to solve this equation; I need to fi...

Welcome to Math.SE, Eman. This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 20 secs ago
3:54 PM
Q: Build a DFA that accepts strings over {0,1,2} that are divided by 3 and doesn't include the substring 012

TaiI am attempting to Build a DFA that accepts strings over {0,1,2} that are divided by 3 and doesn't include the substring 012. What I tried doing is taking the original 3 states of a DFA that accepts everything that is divided by 3, remove all the self loops with 0 and add states, but it became s...

Q: Integrate $\int\frac{xe^{2x}}{(1+2x)^2dx}$

SunnyIntegrate $\int\frac{xe^{2x}}{(1+2x)^2dx}$ u= 1+2x du= 2 dx However that does not help me. Please keep in mind I am only allowed to use Integration by Parts.

Short title. Short question. Question contains please. Integrate $\int\frac{xe^{2x}}{(1+2x)^2dx}$
Q: how many different rectangles can you draw on a paper $nxn$

Itai Talhow many different rectangles can you draw on a paper $n x n$? rectangles are different if they are different in size and place. I think it is $C(n+1,2)^2$

Q: Find an open cover for $(1,5]$ that has no finite sub-cover.

F1sargyanI want to find an open cover for $(1,5]$ that has no finite sub-cover. my SOLUTION attempt: I thought about a cover to be the set of open intervals of the form ${(1-\frac{1}{n},6)}$. would that work?

Tagged proof-verification. [Find an open cover for $(1,5]$ that has no finite sub-cover.](math.stackexchange.com/q/1556675)
Q: Counting "pairic" multisets

goblinWhenever $S$ is a finite set, I define a multiset of $S$ to be a function $\mathbb{N} \leftarrow S$. Obviously, the multisets of $S$ form an abelian monoid with respect to addition. By an unordered pair of elements of $S$, I mean a multiset $A$ of $S$ that returns $0$ at all but two (distinct) el...

Q: Runtime of maze algorithm

Bob de BouwerYou are in a room in a maze and want to get out. Whenever you enter a hallway, you mark it with an "X". Whenever you go into a room for the first time, you mark the hallway you came through with an "O". When you leave a room, you never enter a hallway marked "X" and you only enter a hallway marke...

Q: Prove that the sum of a sequence of real numbers converges if and only if..

Goose719This is what I am trying to prove: Let $ (a_k) $ be a sequence of real numbers. Prove that $ \sum(a_k) $ converges if and only if for any $ \epsilon > 0 $, there is a natural number N so that if $ n \leq N $, then $$ |\sum_{k=n}^{\infty} a_k | <\epsilon $$ I know that a sequence $a_n$ is said ...

Q: Proof involving trigonometric ratios / identities

Swastab AcharyaIf (1+cos A) (1+cos B) (1+cos C)= (1- cos A) (1-cos B) (1-cos C) then prove that each side is +/- sin A sin B sin C

Consider replacing (analysis) with a more specific tag for the relevant branch of analysis. (from a bot)Normal Human 23 secs ago
This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 20 secs ago
Q: pre-domain & domain (confusion)

user284901In my Algebra textbook I found a sentence that confused me. It says: "A mapping is a function whose domain is its entire pre-domain." Never before I found a term of pre-domain. There is even a small ilustration, that distinguish a "domain" and "pre-domain", where pre-domain is superset of dom...

Title contains confus. pre-domain & domain (confusion)
Q: On the start and end points of powers of 2

alex alexeqThis is probably well known. Let $A$ be a natural number and let $B$ be an even number. Does there exist a power of 2 which starts with $A$ and ends with $B$ ? $\bf Fact: $ I know that there is an infinite number of powers of 2 which start with $A$. As another question: The proofs that I...

Short question. Question contains please, step by step. [Calculate $(x^2+1)\cdot (x^2 + x)$ in $(Z_2[x]^{<3},+_{f(x)},\times _{f(x)})$, where $f(x) = x^3 + x^2 + 1$.](math.stackexchange.com/q/1556696)
Q: Is there an exact solution for inequality

rublag$2x+2-x^2 \ge 3^{x^2-2x+x}$ Is there an exact solution for this inequality in real numbers?

Q: difference between "let" and "for all"

ejsklröFAWhat is the difference between "let" and "for all"? Consider the following example For all natural number n, if n is even, then n squared is even. Let n be a natural number. If n is even, then n squared is even.

Welcome to Math.SE, ejsklröFA. Tag (soft-question) should not be the only tag a question has. Please add a tag for a subject area to which the question belongs. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Prove {n^k/z^k} converges to 0

user295285The given sequence a(n) = {n^k/z^n} applies for all n element of N, k element of N, z element of R and |z|>1. The task is to prove that this sequence converges to 0. (Sorry for bad notation, ask if snth isnt clear)

Title ends with a digit. Prove {n^k/z^k} converges to 0
Q: How to solve following optimization problem?

windy$$ \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \min_{X,E} ||X||_* + \lambda ||E||_{\ell 1} \\ s.t. \,\, x_{ij} \ge 0 \text{ for all } x_{ij} \in X \text{ and}\\ \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, ||Y-(X+E)A||_F \le \delta, $$ where $X_{m\times n}, E_{m\times n}, Y_{m\times q} \text{ and } A_{n\times q}$ are matrices; $\lambda, \d...

Q: I need help in solving this prove of p1, p2, . . . , pn are distinct prime numbers

syedSo I was working on one of the exercise question for school and I came across this question and I wanted to know if someone can help me in providing a proof for this question. So the question is: Prove if p1, p2, . . . , pn are distinct prime numbers where p1 = 2 and n > 1 then p1p2p3 · · · pn +...

Q: Prove that f(x) = [x]sin(pi*x) continuous on R

Tien Nguyen QuangI try to prove that f(x) = [x]sin(pi*x) continuous on R. Someone help me, please. I need it tomorrow. Thank you.

Short question. Question contains please. [Prove that f(x) = [x]sin(pi*x) continuous on R](math.stackexchange.com/q/1556730)
Q: The UCD Health Centre believe that the number of students who contract conjunctivitis follows a Poisson Process with parameter λ = 1/3 per month

Aviral GuptaThe UCD Health Centre believe that the number of students who contract conjunctivitis follows a Poisson Process with parameter λ = 1/3 per month The UCD Health Centre hopes to reduce services during the summer months when there are no undergraduate students on campus. The director of the UCD Hea...

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
4:53 PM
Q: Complex numbers problem

CallumI'm trying to use the relevant rules and definitions but making little progress.

Short title. Title contains problem. Short question. Complex numbers problem
Q: High School Math Research

Daniel L.As a high school student motivated to do math research with a background in undergraduate mathematics, I have a few questions regarding math research. As a high school student what should I be expected to have mastery of to pursue in this direction? How should I seek guidance and how is it reco...

Q: Inverting this function

Gaurang TandonI have to invert this function: $$f: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}, f(n) = \begin{cases} n+1, & \text{if $n$ is odd} \\ n-1, & \text{if $n$ is even} \end{cases}$$ But I am not able to grasp how to invert it while also handling the conditions set on the function. Can any one please give me t...

Short title. Question contains please. Inverting this function
Q: Jacobian of the Transformation Problem, Multivariable Calculus

ch1maeraI have the following Jacobian problem: I'm having trouble working through it because the double integral in terms of u and v is throwing me off. Could someone walk me through it? Thanks!

Q: negative roots of a squared term in maltab

melodyI am writing a code in matlab that involves working out the square root of an array of numbers $A^2$ at each time step. To the best of my knowledge there is no way of working out the negative squared roots of an array of numbers in maltab. Am I right? Are there any alternatives? Thank you.

Q: Consider the problem $\min (x-2)^2+y^2$ $s.t. \>x^2\leq ky^2+1$ $x\geq 0$

JB BriConsider the problem $$\min (x-2)^2+y^2$$ $$s.t. \>x^2\leq ky^2+1$$ $$x\geq 0$$ where $k \in \mathbb{R}$ is a parameter of the problem. Determine the status of the point $(1,0)$ for each value of $k$. For what values of $k$ is the point $(1,0)$ is a KKT point, local min,global min. Solution so f...

Q: convergence of 1/(n+1) almost everywhere

ManiI am trying to show that $f_n = 1/(n+1)$ converges almost everywhere, where $0 \leq x \leq e^n$ and measure space $ (**R**, **B(R)**, \mu)$. Any comments will be a great help. Thank you. I tried considering $\epsilon > 0$, and a positive integer $N$ such that $1/e^n <\epsilon $, but how can I ...

5:24 PM
Q: Undelete my post in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3481828/how-to-split-a-string-in-java/

ravindraMy post in How to split a string in Java question has been deleted. These are the details. deleted by Martijn Pieters♦ 27 mins ago Please don't post identical answers to multiple questions. Post one good answer, then vote/flag to close the other questions as duplicates. If the question is n...

Q: Find culumative distribution function of uniform distribution

mkropkowskiRandom variable X has uniform distribution on $[0,1] \cup [2,3]$. Find cdf of variable X. I mean i do not know how to treat this on such strange interval.

Q: Is $(3^p-1)/2$ always squarefree?

esegeI have little conjecture. Maybe it's stupid i don't know. Let $p>5$ be a prime number. Then $(3^p-1)/2$ is always squarefree? It's true for $p<192$.(I used Mathematica.)

Q: Dynamics of Cubic Chaos

John WatsonConsider the family of functions fλ(x) = λx − x^3. Describe the dynamics of this family of functions for all λ < −1.

Short title. Short question. Dynamics of Cubic Chaos
Q: best way to find Σ nMOD m

user295305I need to find Σ k MOD m where k is varying from 1 to n and large n and m . How can i find it efficiently?

Short title. Short question. best way to find Σ nMOD m
Tagged proof-verification. Proving inverse function theorem
Q: What does the hat symbol mean with reference to an undirected graph?

apizzimentiIf I have a graph called $G$, what does $\hat{G}$ mean? Is it a reference to a subgraph of $G$?

Q: Does there exist an $n$ such that all groups of order $n$ are Abelian?

This Play NameI know that all groups of order \leq 5 are Abelian and all groups of prime order are Abelian. Are there any other examples? If so is there something special about the orders of these groups?

Q: n points on circle how many different strings that dont cross each other?

Itai Taln points on circle how many different strings that dont cross each other? My solution is: $C(n,2)$ which makes total sense, for me. and I know it's not enough. I think it is$ C(n,2) + C(n-1,2)$ because from the point of the first string, it has n-1 points left to choose. but there's a problem be...

Q: Proving A5 Has No Subgroup of Order 30

Jay3H is a subgroup of A_5 that has order 30. From this I know that |A_5 : H| = 2. From this I'm supposed to prove that H contains all 3 and 5 cycles and then use that to prove that there cannot be a subgroup of order 30 in A_5. I understand how to do the 3-cycle, but I'm very confused on the 5 cycle...

5:49 PM
Q: How many strings can I make with all captials letters of length 4 that have exactly 2 A's and 2 B's?

Matt Saiyan PikaMy attempt on the problem: X X X X = 26^4 number of ways the strings can be made A A X X = 26^2 number of strings with two A's in them B B X X = 26^2 number of strings with two B's in them B B A A = 1 way the string is duplicated A A B B = 1 way the string is duplicated Then if I do 26^4 - 26^2...

Welcome to Math.SE, Matt Saiyan Pika. This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: After tax cash flow

user295311Consider an asset that costs $360,800 and is depreciated straight-line to zero over its 7-year tax life. The asset is to be used in a 3-year project; at the end of the project, the asset can be sold for $45,100. If the relevant tax rate is 34 percent, what is the aftertax cash flow from the sale...

Short title. After tax cash flow
Q: A uniform continuous problem in real analysis

EklavyaLet $f:[0,\infty)$ be continuous.Assume that $f$ is uniformly continuous on $[R,\infty)$ for some $R>0$ .show that $f$ is uniformly continuous on $[0,\infty)$ well my basic idea is since $f$ is continuous ,so it is uniform continuous on $[0,R]$ and given it is uniform continuous on $[R,\infty)$....

Q: In a complete binary tree of depth $d$, what is the number of pairs of vertices at distance $t$?

JeremyKunI can come up with a dynamic-programming-type program to compute this number, but I am wondering if a nice closed form formula is known.

Q: Joint pmf question

shoestringfries5 transistors are in a bin, 2 are defective. Test 1 at a time until defective one removed. Let N1 = # of tests made until 1st defective is identified. N2 = # of additional tests made until 2nd defective is identified. N1 = 1, 2, 3, 4 N2 = 2, 3, 4, 5 For P(2,3) I don't see why it's not $ \...

Words such as question are uninformative in titles. Please edit the title so that it better describes the specifics of your question. Do not hesitate to make it longer or include a formula if needed. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Covariance in Poisson Process

RobinLet $\{N_T:t\geq 0\}$ a homogeneous Poisson process with rate $\lambda\geq0$ and $T\geq0$ independent random variable with mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$. Find $cov(T,N_T)$. How may I compute $cov(T,N_T)$? May I set T=t and use conditional expectation? I don't know how to proceed.

Consider adding a tag for a broader subject area to which the question belongs. Some of these tags might fit. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Why would a someone want to accept an answer but NOT upvote it?

Chuck Le ButtI see this quite often: Users accept answers, but don't upvote them. As it tends to be new users, I often think it's simply because they don't realise they're two separate things (I could be wrong), but it made me wonder: Why are they separated? Why would you want to accept an answer but not upv...

Q: An Example of a Psuedo Concave Function

kenIs the function f(x)= ∑x^2 is a psuedo concave function? If the answer is yes then how should I proove psuedo concavity in the above example ?

Q: Half-open infinite interval is open set

EvanHow might I show that the half open intervals (-$\infty$, $k$] and $[k, \infty)$ are open sets in the topology induced by $\mathbb{R}$ on $\mathbb{Q}$?

Q: simplex method 5

Olya12simplex algorithm Attaching coves $10$ reinforcement wire length $50$ m and $30$ m. The armature must have a size of $8$ m and $6$ m and $8$-m two times more than $6$-m cove cut so as to obtain the largest number of sets of armatures Cn: (I) $1$ $2$ $3$ $4$ $5$ $6$ $7$ (II) $8$ ...

Short title. Title ends with a digit. simplex method 5
Q: Doe a simple $k$-algebra has finite dimension?

mqxLet $k$ be a field, $A$ a ring (possibly non-commutative) over $k$, suppose $A$ has no two sided ideals. Is there an example for such an $A$ with infinite dimension over $k$?

Q: Art of Problem Solving Differential Equation Problem

MorettiFind all continuous, infinitely differentiable functions f with domain $\mathbb{R}$ such that $f(x)f(y)=\int_{x-y}^{x+y}f(t)dt$ for all $x,y\epsilon \mathbb{R}$ As some hints provided by the book, the following functions work: *2x *c *$\frac{2}{c}sin(cx)$ *It is also noted that there is a...

Q: Find least squares regression line

nbroI have a problem where I need to find the least squares regression line. I have found $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$. I know that $\hat{y}$ the vector predictor of $y$ is $x \cdot \beta$ and that the residual vector is $\epsilon = y - \hat{y}$. I know also that the least squares regression line looks s...

Q: Is $f(x)=e^x \cdot cos(e^x)$ a temprated distribution?

Antonio AlfieriMay be this question is too short for the "standard of quality of this site", but I would like to know if $f(x)=e^x \cdot cos(e^x)$ is a temprated distribution.

Q: $\lim_{n\to \infty}{\sqrt[n]\frac{(2n)!}{n^2\times{n!}}}$

babylon$\lim_{n\to \infty}{\sqrt[n]\frac{(2n)!}{n^2\times{n!}}}$ It is a sequence and n is natural It looks like I should use $\lim_{n\to \infty}{\sqrt[n]{a_n}}=x$ but I don't know how. Does it mean that $a_n=\sqrt[n]\frac{(2n)!}{n^2\times{n!}}$ and then do it from there or is $a_n=\sqrt[n]\frac{(2n)!...

A title should not be all-MathJax; having some plain text helps with search and navigation. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: How to prove that $(a∪b)^*⊆b^*(ab^*)^*$? (formal languages)

JohnI tried to prove that using the fact that for languages $L_1, L_2$ we get: $(L_1∪L_2)^* =(L_1^* L_2^* )^*$ , but I got stuck here: $(a∪b)^* = (a^* b^* )^*⊆b^* (a^* b^* )^*$

Q: Matrix Differential Equation

howtosolveitGiven $n\times n$ matrix $P(t),A(t)$, $P(t)$ satisfies the matrix differential equation $P'(t)\eq A(t)P(t)$ and the initial condition $P(0)=P_0$. Then Prove $detP(t)\eq detP_0\times exp(\int_0^t tr(A)(s)\,ds)$ If the matrix A is constant matrix then it is easy. But I don't know how to prove it ...

Short title. Question contains please. Matrix Differential Equation
Q: best way to find Σ nMOD m

user295305I need to find Σ A[k] MOD m where A[k] is an array element which is containing an integer value and k will be from 1 to 10^5. How can I find it efficiently?

Short title. Short question. best way to find Σ nMOD m
Q: Prove by induction that a 5-ary tree of depth n has $5^n$ leaves.

MichaelBase case: n=0 $5^0$ = 1 which is true since any tree of depth 0 has 1 vertex. Now, assuming true for $5^k$, how would i show true for $5^{k+1}$ ?

Short question. Tagged proof-verification. Prove by induction that a 5-ary tree of depth n has $5^n$ leaves.
Q: Does every hash value have an inverse value?

bodacydoThere are many different hash functions, md5, sha, and others. They take a value V and produce a H via transformation Function(V) = H, where Function is md5, sha, etc. My question is: Does every hash value H have a value V? For example, given md5 hash value f2c057ed1807c5e4227737e32cdb8669 (tot...

Questions tend to get more attention when they have a tag for a broad area of mathematics relevant to the question. Some of these tags might fit. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
6:37 PM
Q: Construction of a nonabelian group of order 21

CJ.Learns.MathsHow do you do this? I have no idea. Thanks.

Q: Discrete Math - Sets - help with A Problem needed here..


Words such as help are uninformative in titles. Please edit the title so that it better describes the specifics of your question. Do not hesitate to make it longer or include a formula if needed. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: What is the added value of the documentation tag?

AlfredWhat is the added value of the documentation tag? To me it is too generic and does not add any value. Could this be removed please?

Q: Coditional probability

user290335I have two events A and B: P(A) = 0.25 P (B) = 0.6 P(AUB) = 0.75 I have calculated: P( not A) = 0.75 P(A int B) = 0.1 I now need P(not A | B). Is it right to use the standard conditional probability formula and assume that: P(not A int B) = P(B) = 0.6 and calculate P (not A int B) / P(B) ...

Q: Constructing a problem-specific loss function

Aidan GomezProblem Description I'm beginning network construction for a problem that I feel could have a far more insightful loss function than a simple MSE regression. My problem deals with multi-category classification (see my question on SO for what I mean by this), where there is a defined distance or...

Q: Can someone explain what this statement means (Groups and permutations) please?

Max EchenduI'm currently reading notes on a lecture I missed due to not feeling well. These are notes on "Symmetric Groups and Modular Arithmetic Groups". A sentence in the notes says: "For a set $S$, a bijection $S\to S$ is called a permutation of $S$." "Let $G$ be the set of all permutations of $S$ and...

7:00 PM
Q: Should a past rejection of an edit affect whether I approve it?

resuemanIn the suggested edits queue, I saw an edit where the user mentioned that they were "trying the edit again" and, from looking at their edit history, I can see that the previous edit was rejected 3-0. Assuming that it's not a clearly essential change, but is something that I'd otherwise accept, sh...

Q: Modulus of roots of unity

RSparkesgiven that $|z+w|=\sqrt{2}$ show that n is a multiple of 4 algebraically. ( z and w are two distinct roots of unity of x^n = 1) In context of the question, i should be using exponential form.

Questions tend to get more attention when they have a tag for a broad area of mathematics relevant to the question. Some of these tags might fit. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Is $f(x)=|x-1|^3$ differentiable $\forall x$

Killing BambiIs $f(x)=|x-1|^3$ differentiable $\forall x$? I can't understand if even if there is no cusp there is still a problem in differentiating it in $x=1$.

Q: Express the following mathematical statement in predicate logic.

javaderekIs this the correct expression of the mathematical statement, "Every positive real number has exactly two square roots."; expression: ∀x∃a∃b((x>0) → (a!=b)∧(x=$a^2$)∧(x=$b^2$)).

Q: Semantics question: does 'determinant of a vector bundle' always mean the top exterior power of the vector bundle?

Sinister CutlassFrom what I can dig up, given a vector bundle $E\rightarrow X$, the determinant bundle associated to this is $\Lambda^{n}E\rightarrow X$, where $n$ is the rank of $E\rightarrow X$. Is this the same thing as "the determinant of the vector bundle $E\rightarrow X$"?

Q: Can you solve this Calculus temperature decay problem directly without using Calculus?

jeremy radcliffThe problem is: (The rate of decrease of temperature of an object is continuous and proportional to the difference between the temperature of the object and that of the surrounding medium.) Suppose that the surrounding temperature remains constant. The object is initially at a temperature of $...

Q: Problem 6 from Section E of Chapter 10 of Pinter's Book of Abstract Algebra (Order of Group Elements)

AskerThe problem: Let $a$ and $b$ be elements of a group $G$. Let ord($a$) $=m$ and ord($b$) $=n$; let lcm($m,n$) denote the least common multiple of $m$ and $n$. Give an example to show that, if $a$ and $b$ do not commute, then ord($ab$) is not always a divisor of lcm($m,n$). My thoughts: We want ...

Q: Is the Kernel locally free?

Heitor FontanaSuppose, on a smooth projective complex variety $X$ that we are given an effective divisor $D$ and $A\in\mathrm{Pic}(D)$ a globally generated line bundle on $D$ with $r$ independent sections. Then we have a surjection $\mathcal{O}_X^{\oplus r}\to A$ (here we view $A$ as a torsion sheaf on $X$ wit...

Q: Is there any other way to find the positive root of this equation?

user212645I know you are able to find the root of the equation by using newton Raphson method. But is there any other way? coshx+cosx-3=0 I thought maybe you could say that -1<=cosx<= 1 So saying 2< cosh(x) <4 But then I am unsure what to do next or if you could even do it this way?

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: How to find range of values for which a sequence converges?

Tiernan WatsonSay you had the sequence $U_{n+1} = 2bU_n$ where $U_1 = 6$. How would you find the range of values of b for which the sequence converges?

Q: Fundamental solution for the one-dimensional elliptic operator

RonnieLooking for fundamental solution for the one-dimensional elliptic operator $L = A\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial x^2}(x,t) + B\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(x,t)+ Cu(x,t)$

Q: phase space partition and symbolic dynamics

Han MeimeiI want to learn the basic theory of phase space partition and symbolic dynamics, can you point to any recent thesis and books containing a good exposition ? Thanks!

Welcome to Math.SE, Han Meimei. Questions tend to get more attention when they have a tag for a broad area of mathematics relevant to the question. Some of these tags might fit. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Proof of the inverse function theorem in van der Vaart

STFI have a question regarding the proog of lemma 4.3 in van der Vaart at p.36 (https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=UEuQEM5RjWgC&pg=PA36&lpg=PA36&dq=lemma+4.2+van+der+vaart+one-to-one+differentiable&source=bl&ots=mnRJLEcYHy&sig=ZjAfaVM50LOxJUkphbBT2sJTVcc&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiglKf31b3JAhWHox4KHS7F...

Short question. Tagged proof-verification. Proof of the inverse function theorem in van der Vaart
Q: Integrate $\int\frac{x+1}{(x^2-x-5)^3} dx$

PatrikDcan you help with this math problem? I dont know how to start? There is any good method? $$\int\frac{x+1}{(x^2-x-5)^3} dx$$ Thank you

Short title. Short question. Integrate $\int\frac{x+1}{(x^2-x-5)^3} dx$
7:38 PM
Q: Can downvoting questions encourage their improvement?

anatolygThere is this problem with some questions - some important details are missing. People post comments suggesting that the OP add these details (e.g. additional pieces of code, or results of specific debugging actions), but OP doesn't add these details. (side note: here are my conjectured reasons ...

Q: Is there an automatic logout in place?

foxidriveIn recent weeks I found I had to login to StackOverflow, where I normally remained logged in. I've now found myself logged out a few times and had to log in again. Is this a new policy, or has my cat been watching youtube videos and he logged me out first? Or is Firefox drunk? Ta.

Q: $\int_{E_{\alpha}}\int_0^{\infty}d\alpha dx=\int_{\mathbb{R}^d}\int_0^{\infty}\chi_{[0,|f(x)|]} d\alpha dx$

sleeve chenI am confused about how to derive the right hand side of the "$=$" $$\int_{E_{\alpha}}\int_0^{\infty}d\alpha dx=\int_{\mathbb{R}^d}\int_0^{\infty}\chi_{[0,|f(x)|]} d\alpha dx$$ $E_{\alpha}=\{x:|f(x)|>\alpha\}$ and $\alpha >0$ $x\in \mathbb{R}^d$ $\chi$ :an indicator function

A title should not be all-MathJax; having some plain text helps with search and navigation. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: The domain of $x^x$?

Yonatan IzutskiverThis one looks simple, but apparently there is something more to it. $$f_{(x)=x^x}$$ I read somewhere that the domain is $\Bbb R_+$, a friend said that $x\lt-1, x\gt0$... I'm really confused, because i don't understand why the domain isn't just all the real numbers. According to any grapher on...

Short title. The domain of $x^x$?
Q: Why do the results of the primaries and candidate Q&A not reflect the final election results?

ryanyuyuA candidate's success in the primary is a great indicator of how final voting will play out. Community support in the candidate questionnaire is much less reliable, but that could be due to other factors like when the answers were submitted. But results in primaries don't necessarily hold up in...

Q: Expectation probability questions. Having problems regarding replacement.

BNSlugGiven 3 red balls of value 3, 2 blue balls of value 5, and 1 yellow ball of value 25 a) What is the expectation for X of drawing two balls? Where X is the value. My issue here is that we have no way to be sure what ball was drawn the first time, I have calculated the X of drawing one ball to be...

Q: Adding rows of matrix meaning

Granger ObliviateEnglish is not my mother tongue and I'm studying Algebra using a book in english. This sentence came up to me in an exercise "every row of matrix A adds to zero". What does that mean, in concrete?

Q: Transform problem to geometric programming

euler87I have the next maximization problem and I am wondering if I can transform it to geometric programming which is is easy to solve, because I cannot find other way to find the solution.I also tried solving the Lagrangian but I couldn't find the solution. $$ \max_{P_1,P_2,P_3,P_4} \frac{\frac{P_1h1...

Q: How to apply generating series to solve this following enumerative problem?

hlyatesBackground I am a software engineer and I have been picking up combinatorics as I go along. I am going through a combinatorics book for self study and this chapter is absolutely destroying me. Sadly, I confess it makes little sense to me. I don't care if I look stupid, I want to understand how t...

Q: If $E$ and $F$ are field, what is $E\vee F$?

MSEIf $E$ and $F$ are field, what is $E\vee F$ ? Let take for exemple $E=\mathbb Q(a)$ and $\mathbb Q(b)$. Do we have $$E\vee F=\mathbb Q(a,b) \ \ ?$$

Q: Normal numbers and equidistribution

SavioDoes anyone know how to prove the following criterion? (Due, 1949) $x \in (0,1)$ is normal for base $10$ $\iff \{10^nx\}_n$ is equidistributed. "$\Leftarrow$" is quite easy using definition of equidistribution, but for the "$\Rightarrow$" part I guess we should use Weyl's criterion. Could you g...

Questions tend to get more attention when they have a tag for a broad area of mathematics relevant to the question. Some of these tags might fit. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Cut decreasing spiral and singl-value of logarithm

htuenter image description here What is the principal value of argument (Arg(z-a_{n}))?

Q: Integrate. $\int\frac{x+1}{(x^2+7x-3)^3}dx$

DavidMHow should i solve this integral? i know that it is the same question like here Integrate $\int\frac{x+1}{(x^2+7x-3)^3}dx$ but I've tried solve it for more then 3 hours and i still have no idea ho to solve it. Thank for help. $$\int\frac{x+1}{(x^2+7x-3)^3}dx$$

Q: bound of Uniform convergence series of functions

Ohad Shamirfn(x) is a series of function that Uniform convergence to f(x). f(x) is the limit function. I know fn(x)< M (M is a bound). Does it true that f(x) < M ?

Q: Shape of a blimp.

John MolokachWas playing around with solids of revolution, the shape given by rotating $y=\sqrt{\sin x}$ about the $x-$axis seems to resemble a blimp. The only thing I can find out about the natural shape of the blimp is that it is formed by the pressure of the lifting gas. Any reason a sinusoidal relat...

Short title. Shape of a blimp.
Q: Exact Sum of Series

Alfred YergerI am a tutor at university, and one of my students brought me this question, which I was unable to work out. It is from a past final exam in calculus II, so any response should be very basic in what machinery it uses, although it may be complicated. The series is: $$\sum \limits_{n=1}^{\infty} \f...

Short title. Exact Sum of Series
8:21 PM
Q: Derivative of trig functions

AckblahI'm having trouble for the derivative of this trig function and got 40 sinx 1/1000pi cosx for the function 20sin^2 (x)/(1000pi)

Short title. Short question. Derivative of trig functions
Q: Transpose of $(X'X)^{-1}$

amorfatiI am taking a Phd class in econometrics, and the following is used constantly, for $X$ a $n\times k$ matrix, $n \neq k$: $$(X'X)^{-1} = ((X'X)^{-1})'$$ with "$'$" standing for transpose. Having a rather weak background in linear algebra, I cannot understand why this is true. For example: ${\unde...

Q: Derivative $\sqrt{\frac{x-1}{x+1}}$

gbox$f(x)=\sqrt{\frac{x-1}{x+1}}$ $f'(x)={1\over 2}*(\frac{x-1}{x+1})^{\frac{-1}{2}}*{x+1-(x-1)\over (x+1)^2}=\frac{1}{2}*(\frac{x-1}{x+1})^{\frac{-1}{2}}*{2\over (x+1)^2}=(\frac{x-1}{x+1})^{\frac{-1}{2}}*{1\over (x+1)^2}$ Is it valid to write$ (\frac{x-1}{x+1})^{\frac{-1}{2}}= \sqrt{\frac{x+1}{x-1...

Q: Adding medians.

Cool GuyIf we called the perimeter any triangle b. Prove that if you added the lengths of any two medians (i) It is not larger than (3b)/4 (ii) It is not smaller than (3b)/8 This came up in a math competition some time ago and I think that using the triangle inequality will be necessary. However, I ...

Short title. Question contains please. Adding medians.
Q: Singular Measure

SzmagpieDefinition. Two positive (or signed, or complex) measures $\mu$ and $\nu$ defined on a measurable space $(\Omega, \Sigma)$ are called singular if there exist two disjoint sets $A$ and $B$ in $\Sigma$ whose union is $\Omega$ such that $\mu$ is zero on all measurable subsets of $B$ while $\nu$ is z...

Short title. Singular Measure
Q: Finding the Pointwise limit

darrenIm trying the find the pointwise limit of a sequence on [0,1] to determine if the sequence converges. My sequence is below. fn(x)=(x^n)/n I know that for the sequence to converge lim (fn(x))=f(x) when n goes to infinity. But I don't understand the difference between fn(x) and f(x).

Q: Help! Calculus III! Extra Credit Quiz

Kenneth LathromSuppose there is an air vent in the center of the front of this classroom (assume it is the xz-plane centered at x=0) near the ceiling. If the velocity of the air blown out of it by the air conditioner can be modeled by the vector field F=, find the air flux exiting an open doorway of the classro...

Welcome to Math.SE, Kenneth Lathrom. Words such as help are uninformative in titles. Please edit the title so that it better describes the specifics of your question. Do not hesitate to make it longer or include a formula if needed. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Inverting a sparse Matrix

rnels12I have a sparse, square, symmetric matrix with the following structure: (Let's say the size of the matrix is N x N) enter image description here Here, the area under the blue stripes is the non-zero elements. Could someone tell me if there is an algorithm to invert this kind of matrix that is s...

Q: Meaning of adding rows matrix

Granger ObliviateEnglish is not my mother tongue and I'm studying Algebra using a book in english. This sentence came up to me in an exercise "every row of matrix A adds to zero". What does that mean, in concrete? EDIT: Full exercise: If every row of A adds to zero, prove that detA = 0. If every row adds to 1...

Q: Variance of a simple Ito integral

MathFanI am trying to apply Ito's lemma to compute variance of the following integral $X(t) = \int_{0}^t W(s)dW(s),$ where $W(t)$ is a Wienner process. Could you please check my calculations? $$E(X(t)) = 0 \\ E(X^2(t)) = E\left(\left( \int_{0}^t W(s)dW(s) \right)^2\right) = E\left( \int_{0}^t W(s)^...

Question contains please. Variance of a simple Ito integral
Q: Finding base of recurrence

John MalickI need to find the base of linear space of sequences of form $$a_{n+1} = n(a_n + a_{n-1})$$ I know that n! and !n (number of derangement) satisfies this equation.

Short title. Short question. Finding base of recurrence
Q: Does a twice continuosly differentiable function lie in a Hölder space?

RustyStatisticianI was reading the following paper on Adaptive Bayesian estimation using a Gaussian random field with inverse Gamma bandwidth and wanted to apply the results to a problem that I am working on. However, I am not sure if the results meet the assumptions that I am making about my functions. Basical...

Questions tend to get more attention when they have a tag for a broad area of mathematics relevant to the question. Some of these tags might fit. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
8:59 PM
Q: App reveals which posts lost votes when "user was removed", even though that information is deliberately concealed on the website

Mark AmeryAccording to Shog9, the purpose of merely showing "User was removed" in the reputation history and no breakdown of which posts lost votes as a result is to prevent information leakage that could identify voters. However, the mobile apps explicitly show this information. Bohuslav Burghardt claims...

Q: Finding a constant in a particle motion problem using the energy equation

CallumI have found V in terms of x, and then I have found the energy equation for x=1 and x=2. I've then set them equal to one another and solved, finding lambda = 20. I didn't use the values v=4 and v=2; since they are provided, I assume my method is incorrect/incomplete?

Q: Conjugation of limit sets in differential equations.

Iuri CavalletShow that a differentiable conjugation preserves the sets $\omega$-limit and $\alpha$-limit. Thanks.

Q: Maximum likelihood estimation.

BlendamedGiven sample $N_p(a,Q)$, where $Q>0$ - is known matrix. Divide $a\in\mathrm{R}^p$ so as $a^T = (a_1^T,a_2^T)$. How, assuming $a_2 = 0$, I can find maximum likelihood estimation for $a_1$? Without assumption on $a_2$ it is easily follows from $\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\right)^{pn}\left(\frac...

Q: how can he prove the point belong to the same plane

he hehihow can he prove the point A(a_1, a_2, a_3); B(b_1, b_2, b_3); C(c_1, c_2, c_3); D(d_1, d_2, d_3); belong to the same plane , as if they belong can then find plane. i now how to prove three given point belong the same plane

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Where F is Fourier Transform, prove the limit as |k| approaches infinity of Ff(k)=0 where f is differentiable and f' is absolutely integrable?

mentorshipI tried integrating by parts to obtain limit as k approaches infinity of (-1/ik)f(x)e^(-ikx) from -infinity to infinity + 1/(ik) integral of f'(x)e^(-ikx) from -infinity to infinity. This second integral can be substituted for the original integral of f(x)e^(-ikx) by properties of Fourier Transfo...

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Compute $\int_{\gamma}|z-1||dz|$.

Tony Let $\gamma:[0,2\pi]\to \Bbb C$ be given by $\gamma(t)=e^{it}$. Compute $\int_{\gamma}|z-1||dz|$. $\int_{\gamma}|z-1||dz|=\int_0^{2\pi}|e^{it}-1|d|\gamma|$ where $|\gamma|$ is the variation of $\gamma$ from $0$ to $t$. I am not sure how to deal with the $|d\gamma|$. Does $\int_0^{2\pi}|e^{...

Q: Is this easy to prove? $\forall N, k \gt 0$, $\pi(x) - \pi(N) \gt \dfrac{x-N}{2k}$ for all sufficiently large $x$.

Enjoys MathLet $\pi(x)$ be the prime counting function. Knowing that $\pi(x) \sim \dfrac{x}{\ln x}$. How could you prove that $\pi(x) - \pi(N) \gt \dfrac{x - N}{2k}$ for all $x \geq $ some $X_0$?

Tall formulas in titles break the layout of question lists. Please replace \dfrac with \frac in the title. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Prove this inequality - linear algebra

KelanI'm trying to show that $$(au+bv)^TA(au+bv)>v^TAv,$$ where $a,b\in\mathbb{R},a^2+b^2=1,$ $u$ is an unit vector, $v$ is a vector of norm one, A is a symmetric matrix where $A^T=A.$

Q: Show $\delta_{KL}$ is a Cartesian tensor

snowmanBy using the definition of kronecker delta $\delta_{KL}$, show that $\delta_{KL}$ is a Cartesian tensor, that is $$\delta ' _{MN}=L_{MK}L_{NL} \delta_{KL}$$ under the rotation $X_K=L_{MK}X' _M$. I don't really know where to start. What is the result differentiated with respect to? Please help.

Q: algebra with summations

user2850514Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ matrix. Let $c$ be the minimum column sum of $$\sum_{k=0}^\infty \left(\frac{A}{r}\right)^k.$$ In other words we can write this as $$c = \min_{1\le j\le n} \sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{k=0}^\infty \left(\frac{A}{r}\right)^k$$ Is there any way to show that $$c = \sum_{k=0}^\inft...

Q: How fund the distance of the two line

he hehiCan you tell the follow questions: how to find a dictance for the given two line l_1: 13x-y+6z+6=0; l_2: 26x-2y+12z-4=0

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: How many students didn't vote for Jack or Rebecca?

WSharpIn a school election Jack got 2/9 of the votes, Rebecca got 4/9 of the votes. Rebecca had 42 more votes than jack. How many students didn't vote for Jack or Rebecca?

Q: Expansion integral

Kasia PisaniakWhat should I do if I want to develop integral $\int\limits_{0}^{\infty} \frac{t^n}{(x+t)^{2n+4}} dt$ to $\int \frac{x^{p-1}}{1+qx)^{p+r}}=\frac{\Gamma(p)\Gamma(r)}{q^p\Gamma(p+r)}$. I write $\int\limits_{0}^{\infty}\frac{t^n}{x^{2n+4}(1-\frac{1}{x}t)^{2n+4}}dt$. But I don't see this form.

Short title. Expansion integral
Q: Simplying $ie^{it}(1+e^{it})^n$

JacobNeed some help simplifying $$ie^{it}(1+e^{it})^n$$ where n is an integer, so I can integrate it between $0$ and $2\pi$

Short title. Short question. Simplying $ie^{it}(1+e^{it})^n$
Q: $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty a_n^2$ and $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty b_n^2$ converge show $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty a_n*b_n$ converges absolutely

Tobias DGiven the series $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty a_n^2$ and $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty b_n^2$ converge. Show that the series $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty a_n*b_n$ converges absolutely. My idea so far: It's quite quite obvious that both given series converge absolutely So the Cauchy-Produc tells me that ...

Q: Questions about the proof of Quadratic convergence with taylor's theorem

gigi First of all, why do we take the absolute value of both sides? What is the point/reason? and for (x_n - z)^2 , isnt it always positive? Second of all, do you call this a recurrence relation? for the last part: $e_[n+1]=C e^2_n$ but how can we conclude that the relations is telling us the accu...

Q: Integrate $\int \frac{dx}{2cos(4x)+5} $

PatrikDcan you help me with this math problem? I dont know how to start. $$\int \frac{dx}{2cos(4x)+5} $$

Q: Short gcd proof

HiPolyEraserSuppose $a,b\in\mathbb{Z}$ that $a$ and $b$ are both positive and that $gcd(a,b)=d$. Prove that if $n\in\mathbb{Z}$ is positive, the $gcd(an,bn)=dn$. My attempt... $gcd(a,b)=d$ so $d|a$ and $d|b$. Then $a=dk$ and $b=dl$. Also let $d=as+bt$ the smallest positive linear combination. By multiplyi...

Short title. Tagged proof-verification. Short gcd proof
Q: why predicate logic cannot model knowledge which is retracted with time?

rashniHi can someone explain why Predicate logic cannot model knowledge which maybe retracted with time? is it because that there is a high uncertainty ?

10:11 PM
Q: Downvote are casted too arbitrarily

SolitarySometimes I felt disappointed for those downvotes without giving any reason. For example, this one and this one of my answers all received downvotes. When I posted my answer on this site, I am at least $95\%$ sure that my answer is correct and rigorous otherwise I will choose not to post because ...

Q: Solving system of equations

EulerSolve the system of equations in real numbers: $\left\{\begin{matrix}2a^3-3a^2-a^2b+4=0&\\ 2b^3-3b^2-ab^2+4=0 \end{matrix}\right.$

Short title. Short question. Solving system of equations
Q: Prove that exactly one of the following two systems has a solution

Clarissa  ChenThe problem I'm a bit lost at this problem. Tried to solve it by considering the dual or Farkas' lemma, but no luck. Would appreciate any help, Thanks!

Q: Solve the equation 5t + 8 = 43

Playstation 4Make sure to show all the steps you used to answer the problem and explain each step

Q: Loci in the complex plane

RSparkesSketch the regions of the complex plane defined by (a) $Re \frac{1 + z}{1 − z}< 0$ and (b) $Re \space log\frac{1 + z}{1 − z}<0$ for part a i defined z as a + bi and got a final answer of $a^2 + b^2 >1$ Is that right and how to i do part b?

Q: Regular and Clifford semigroups!

LolaCan someone explain how can I understand in a simple way that a Clifford semigroup is a regular semigroup?

Consider adding a tag for a broader subject area to which the question belongs. Some of these tags might fit. (from a bot)Normal Human 20 secs ago
Q: Proof of epistimic sentence

B.SmitI have to prove that for every sentence ϕ, the sentence is valid on all epistimic models. I have no clue how to go about this. ¬Kaϕ ⇒ Ka¬Kaϕ Thank you

Short title. Short question. Proof of epistimic sentence
Q: Permutation question (Discrete Math)

LukeQ.) A committee composed of Jesse, Bianca, Ray, and Lily is to select a president and a secretary. How many selections are there in which Tyler is president or not an officer? I cannot understand how to solve such questions. By far I only know that since ordering does matter in this case it will...

Words such as question are uninformative in titles. Please edit the title so that it better describes the specifics of your question. Do not hesitate to make it longer or include a formula if needed. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 20 secs ago
Q: Hyperbolic geometry question concerning lengths between parallel lines

Marissa FarinaTheorem (H16). If: $l$ and $m$ are parallel lines, $j$ is a common perpendicular intersecting $l$ at point A and $m$ at point B, and C and E are points on $l$ so that C is between A and E, Then: $L$(C; m) > $L$(AB); and $L$(E; m) > $L$(C; m). I wish I knew how to even begin this p...

Title contains question. Tagged proof-explanation. Hyperbolic geometry question concerning lengths between parallel lines
Q: $\cos(t x) \sin(x)-t \cos(x) \sin(t x)$ as $x$ goes to infinity

user276387Calculate $\displaystyle \lim_{x \to \infty} (\cos(t x) \sin(x)-t \cos(x) \sin(t x))$ How does one calculate the above limit?

Q: Prove that $F$ is chaotic on $[0, 1]$

Jeffrey$F = 3x$ for $x ≤ 1/3$, $-3/2(x-1)$ for $x > 1/3$ $F$ is chaotic if 1) Periodic points are dense, 2) $F$ is transitive, 3) $F$ is sensitive to initial conditions. $F$ is transitive if for every $x$,$y$ and any $ε > 0$ there exists $z$ such that $|z-x|<ε$ and $n$ such that $|F^n(z)-y|<ε$. $F$ is ...

Q: About proving that $Aut(\mathbb {D}_n) \cong \mathbb {Z}_n \rtimes Aut(\mathbb {Z}_n)$

Artur123How can I prove that $Aut(\mathbb {D}_n) \cong \mathbb {Z}_n \rtimes Aut(\mathbb {Z}_n)$ . Where $\mathbb {D}_n$ - Dihedral group . Can someone help me please? Thank you.

Q: Log Word Problem Question

FrankSo I have a worksheet for Algebra II and Trig for pre calc that I'm having an issue with. The worksheet is on Logs which I am so awfuk at so excuse the scribbles and such; I'm having an issue on number two, any ideas + a really nice explanation would be awesome. I had the thought process you need...

Welcome to Math.SE, Frank. Words such as question are uninformative in titles. Please edit the title so that it better describes the specifics of your question. Do not hesitate to make it longer or include a formula if needed. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: mean vs median in expectation

udayI have an equation that looks like: $f = \frac{\texttt{E}\left [ x \right ]}{\texttt{E}\left [ y \right ]} - \frac{\texttt{E}\left [ w \right ]}{\texttt{E}\left [ z \right ]} $ where the observations of the variables $x$, $y$, $w$, $z$ have a lot of outliers. I was thinking of replacing $\textt...

Q: where to start learning math as an adult

nikonplease I want u guys to help me I am an adult and I don't know anything about maths as low as changing a number to standard form please I need your help you can refer me to a book, a process, or step by step tutorials

Welcome to Math.SE, nikon. Tag (reference-request) should not be the only tag a question has. Please add a tag for a subject area to which the question belongs. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
10:46 PM
Q: Can a protected question be off-topic?

Michele Giuseppe FaddaI start by saying that I just want to understand better how SO works. I don't want to sound provocative to the slightest. A stellar and protected question is the "Definitive C++ book Guide and List". Maybe I don't put this in the right context, but that looks like a prime example of a "resource...

Q: Posting an answer to your own off topic questions

Pool Party RenektonI flagged a post for a question that was off-topic and the flag for closure was accepted but the question remains open, then for some reason I thought of checking out the OP's question history, 3 out of 5 questions are in the same format, asking how to do something that -to me- are off-topic acco...

Q: Open ball containment with different metrics

HatCucumberI have this question: Let (M,d) me a metric space. Define λ(x, y) ≡ d(x,y) / (1 + d(x,y)). Temporarily define: Bλ(p; r) ≡ {x ∈ M : λ(p, x) < r}, and B(p;r) ≡ {x ∈ M : d(p, x) < r}. Show that, for all ϵ > 0 there is a δ > 0 such that, for all p ∈ M, B(p; δ) ⊆ Bλ(p; ϵ); and that, similarly, for...

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Problem regarding the tangent line of a function

Ryan DonnellyFix a function f and a point $x_0$, and suppose that $f$ is differentiable at $x_0$. For all real numbers $b$, consider the family of lines $L_{b(x)}$ defined by $L_{b(x)} = f(x_0) +b (x-x_0)$. Note that $L_{b(0)} = f(x_0)$ for every $b$ and that $L_{b(x)}$ has slope $b$. Find all values of $b$ s...

Q: Exchanging limits with norms and linear functionals

37edude73In a normed vector space $X$, when can we say: $\lim\|x_n\|=\|\lim x_n\|$ and further, if $f\in X^{*}$, when can we say: $\lim fx_n=f(\lim x_n)$?

Q: Question about defining sets

András SzilveszterI have this problem: Define the following sets: $$a) A=\left\{x\in \mathbb{Z} \mid \frac{6x}{2x+1} \in \mathbb{Z}\right\},$$ $$a) B \cap \mathbb{N}, \text{where } B = \left\{ \frac{105}{2}, \frac{106}{3}, \frac{107}{4}, \cdots, \frac{n+104}{n+1}, \cdots \right\}, n \in \mathbb{N}$$ I don't real...

Words such as question do not add information to titles. Please edit the title so that it better describes the specifics of your question. Do not hesitate to make it longer or include a formula if needed. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Variants of Post Correspondence Problem

imabelianIf you have a variant of the PCP where you only care if the length of the top string equals the length of the bottom string, how would you build a TM that decides that? Like obviously in the beginning you can reject if all of the strings in one list are longer than their counterparts in the other...

Consider adding a tag for a broader subject area to which the question belongs. Some of these tags might fit. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Prove Newtons method converges quadratically

user212645f(x)= cosh(x) +cos(x) -3 Let x* be the none negative root of f. Prove that Newton's Method applied to f converges quadratically to x*. Really confused where to start for a proof. I understand that if the second derivative of f(x*) doesn't equal 0 it converges precisely quadratic. But don't n...

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (autocomment)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: System of equations with trig functions

JonnyPythoncan someone explain to me how to solve this system of equations for the parameters a,k and $\phi$? $0=a*sin(k*5-\phi)$ $0=a*sin(k*23-\phi)$ $0.3=a*sin(-\phi)$

Q: Simplify $\frac\sqrt{3}{-81y^7 z^2}{3yz^5}$

Muniza Siddiqui"Simplify the radical expression completely. Use absolute value symbols if and only if needed. Rationalize all denominators and eliminate the negative exponents." $\frac\sqrt{3}{-81y^7 z^2}{3yz^5}$ (Please tell me if I did not format the mat correctly.)

Short title. Question contains please. Simplify $\frac\sqrt{3}{-81y^7 z^2}{3yz^5}$
Q: Gamma function Eulera

Kasia PisaniakI have gamma function Eulera. Can I write that $\Gamma (n+3)=\Gamma((n+1)+2)=\Gamma(n+1)+\Gamma(2)=n!+1$? And I'm not sure that $\Gamma(2)=1$?

Consider replacing (analysis) with a more specific tag for the relevant branch of analysis. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Describe up to isomorphism $\mathbb{Z}_4 \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_5$ and $\mathbb{Z}_5 \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_4$

Artur123I have the following problem: I have to describe up to isomorphism the semidirect product $$ \mathbb{Z}_4 \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_5$$ $$\mathbb{Z}_5 \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_4 $$ Thank in advance!

Q: Abelian Groups and orders

tucker123Let $G$ be an abelian group, and let $a\in G$. For $n≥1$, let $G[n:a] := \{x\in G:x^n =a\}$. (a) Show that $G[n: a]$ is either empty or equal to $αG[n] := \{αg : g \in G[n]\}$, for some $α∈G$. (Recall: $G[n]:=\{x\in G:x^n =1\}$.) (b) If $G$ is cyclic of order $m$, prove that: $|G[n:a]| = (n,m)...

Q: Use Green's Theorem to evaluate this problem? Step by step solution?

user36041Use Green's Theorem to evaluate this problem? Step by step solution? For a vector field F(x,y)=y^2/(1+x^2)i+2yarctan(x)j find a function f such that F(x,y)=∇f and use this result to evaluate c∫F⋅dr where C: r(t)=t^2i+2(t)j; 0≤t≤1. sorry guys I'm new to the coding.

This site uses MathJax formatting of formulas. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
11:28 PM
Q: Approving pending edit during review changes review type

tinlyxI just came across a review for first posts with a pending edit in it. I approved the edit and was planning to read further. However, the system seems to assume that I am done, and automatically redirected me to the Suggested Edits review queue, which is a different type queue. It's really noth...

Q: How do I find the minimum distance between the line y = 2x and the hyperbola x^2 - y^2 = 3

johnnyguy22I've confirmed that they don't intersect, but I'm not sure where to go from there.

Q: How can I use the solve() function inside of itself?

ApproachingDarknessFishI'm trying to use the solve function recursively on my TI-89 calculator. Minimal example to demonstrate the concept: solve( y + solve(x=2, x) = 3) Which should give y=1. Instead, it gives the rather unhelpful (y+x=y+2)=1. I think this is happening because solve returns an equality rather than ...

Tag (calculator) should not be the only tag a question has. Please add a tag for a subject area to which the question belongs. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Problem regarding functional analysis, Lebesgue differentiation?

mathisfunformeI am stuck trying to sole the following problem. I think it might have to do with Lebesgue differentiation theorem, but I have no idea where to start. Could someone help me out? Suppose $f \in L^1(\mathbb{R})$. Show for almost all $x \in \mathbb{R} $ we have $$\lim_{h\to 0} \frac{1}{h} \int_0...

Q: Prove than $G = \rtimes<a_i>$ - cyclic group $<=> \text{End}G$ - noncommutative

Artur123How can I prove that $$ G = \oplus<a_i> \text{- cyclic group} \Leftrightarrow \text{End}(G) \text{- noncommutative} $$ Can someone help me please? Thank you.

Q: Genearalisation of previous MSE question in $n$ dimensions

martinThis question caught my atention recently. Most (if not all) of the answers aproached the problem via a brute force attack. Surely there is a more elegant way to deal with this, given the inherent symmetry. My question is can this be generalised to an $n$ dimensional lattice? Clearly the placeme...

Words such as question do not add information to titles. Please edit the title so that it better describes the specifics of your question. Do not hesitate to make it longer or include a formula if needed. More tips here. (from a bot)Normal Human 21 secs ago
Q: Distance in euclidean affine spaces problem

monoid Let $(E,V)$ be a finite-dimensional euclidean affine space \footnote{$V=T(E)$ euclidean vector space and scalarproduct $(\cdot,\cdot)$} and $f\colon E\mapsto E$ a bijective affine map. Show, that there are real constants $0<c\leq C$ exists with $$c\cdot d(P,Q) \leq d(f(P),f(Q)) \leq C\cdot d(P...

Q: 2 color theorem proof, straight lines inside a box

Noah DengHow can I prove mathematically that a box with $x$ straight lines drawn through it, can be colored with only 2 colors.

Short question. Tagged proof-verification. 2 color theorem proof, straight lines inside a box
Q: Prove a function is not of Class $C^1$

EmmaJRelating to the problem here: Show that the derivative of a function is not continuous, i.e. we have a function: $$g(x)=\begin{cases} x+2x^2\sin\left(\frac{1}{x}\right)&\text{ if }x\neq0\\\ 0&\text{ if }x=0 \end{cases}$$ Check that the function g is not of Class $C^1$ in any open interval around...

Tagged differential-equations but mentions "partial". Prove a function is not of Class $C^1$
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