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hey @motosubatsu I got the written things discussed in the meeting, they dated back to events as far as october
shld I also doument from now when my feedback is due
I really wanna show my manager on my performance coz of work ruined by senior
but he manage it very tactfully like I am open with a long mouth
seriously, I wanna know how to talk. ppl with crap coding skill win over coz of good talking
With respect Localhost, you asked if it was OK to ignore part of the spec, and were told "No, and you've done it so much already that you're being placed under review". I think you should stop blaming other people and start to focus on how you can improve.
@Old_Lamplighter We don't know each other, but I'm glad you're still here
@localhost document stuff where you've been doing good work? absolutely, being to show what you've done and where you've stepped up your level of performance is always a good idea at time like this
"performance coz of work ruined by senior" -> no, nope, don't do it. Unless there's very, very exceptional circumstances going on this is going to look just like you making excuses and blaming a co-worker for your own poor performance
1 hour later…
Q: At the intersection of engineering and astronomy in its structure as a scientific discipline

dtnAstronomy is the comprehensive study of what lies beyond the Earth. Modern astronomy (I relied on classifications from here and here) is divided into a large sections (astrophysics, astrogeology, astrobiology, astrometry). In addition to theoretical and computational topics, astronomical instrume...

potentially interesting
1 hour later…
@PlayerOne not blaming other but business required that at time, if management changed its mind after 7 months, i think it is bad management. sure I have huge room for improvement

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