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HEY @motosubatsu how u doing
@localhost Morning! I'm doing ok.. it's a bit Monday which is never fun but doing ok. You?
@motosubatsu I m good, 2 hours commute, rail disruption caused me a fortune.
on my toes, bsy weekend started doing freecodecamp JS on weekend
I talked to a community of developers, they said it is about time to start applying coz management doesn't seem keen to keep u as they have mismanage priority if they r creagting a issue about my coding skill from 7 months old
PR and QA
@motosubatsu I could have worked on weekend to speed things up
but didn't this time coz when my manager said 'it doesn't matter, overtime or weekend' it broke my heart. jobs don't give u shit. shld have spend time with family
my elder is 8 now, I spend all time trying to keep boss happy and they don't give a sh*t so gonna focus on myself, improve
3 hours later…
@motosubatsu there is a colleague who had been very helpful in giving me guidence
I wanna share and ask him what shld I do to excel
should I
verbal or via chat?
Had talk with with him
he gave me nuggets of what he saw and how to improve
3 hours later…
The is the ghost of Christmas past. Boo.
Anyone left skulking about.

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