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@motosubatsu how u doing
121 today, I been on emotional ride
tbh I m eyeing to start business in 2024, can't take emotional ride of what is gonna happen
@localhost what sort of business?
@motosubatsu the one I m good at web development. Front end
I did course back in 2022, never used that knowledge, if I do that I could be making full apllication
I was a freelance 12 yrs back then, it was good earning but 12 yrs ago I was single too
@motosubatsu should I mention the thing CTO said, 'you done enough ignoring in june' when asked if I should ignore X
what shold I be asking in 121
1 hour later…
@motosubatsu my gut feeling was right
warning issued
they gonna watch my perforamnce for 1 month
1 hour later…
although I couldn't argue with what he said was 100 true as there r instances where my work has been ruined by team member and again send to me to fix it. I said I will message u about any questions that I have. Should I mention that when I ask him question e.g. how does he want me to see as JS developer, when he said we did not hire a junior developer
as from the talks, it seem like I haven't proven myself, at the end of the year. I had made excuses, whereas I have worked on weekends/over hours to complete task
can't post onthe site otherwise would have asked how can I make my performce 10x
@localhost IMO one of the key differentiators between a "junior" and "senior" dev is self-sufficiency and while, yeah, it's not great when another dev impacts your work or causes your stuff to break and you have to go in and fix it - but these things happen in pretty much every team. A "senior" grumbles to themselves and gets on with sorting it quickly and quietly, a "junior" appeals to management
if you want to up your performance "10x" - make your performance at this job your sole professional priority. Cut the extraneous fluff, cut the navel-gazing about previous jobs, cut the thinking about learning skills for other jobs, cut the prevarication about whether you start a business, cut wasting energy on what others are doing or not doing. Just do the work in front of you and do it as well as you can.
There's no silver bullet - no youtube or udemy course that's going to revolutionise your life, no "trick", just graft
@motosubatsu ture, there is no silver bullet, I have to put in work. The manager said they wanna see my performance for 1 month, should I be asking what is the threshold they have to guage my performance
I m hoping to talk to one my senior fullstack as he has great opnion and experience to give me some guidelines.
that is why I prefer to be a good communication coz all I heard was negative things about me, no positive
the strange thing was when my manager said, he was disappointment to see my 7 months work, it passed from QA and deployed and it took 7 months
@localhost asking for some metrics or KPIs that they are going to look at isn't the worst idea
1 hour later…
@motosubatsu so "Hi, thank u for 121 today, It would be good to have some KPI that you wane me to achieve in one month time"?

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