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@motosubatsu morning
I have started life in uk study
to book test for nertualization? is that a word even
3 hours later…
@motosubatsu have u heard about vinh giang?
communication expert?
I m thinking of taking his course, I suck at comms, was asking my senior peer bt how something work, he dodged the question. I never had that skill
I m a person who get into nitty and gritty of things and BTS
I got 121 tomorrow and my alarm has rung
5 hours later…
@localhost never heard of him... seems to be a motivational speaker/communications teacher/magician?
while I'm not disagreeing that your comms skills could do with some work, I can't say I'd put much faith in this sort of thing, people who have to shout all over the internet about how they are a "business visionary" generally.. aren't. But like I say I don't know anything about the guy beyond a quick google, maybe he's a miracle worker, I don't think I'd be spending any of my money to find out though
@motosubatsu yes that is him, I really need comms workshop, 'How to make firnds and influence people' was a amazing book recommendation made to be my shanrk, I had twice and it changed my mind set
today the way senior dodged the question which I was struggling with proved that u can reach top of ladder by talk

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