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Uh. This is off topic, right? It could be important for workplacy things, but A) it's just asking if X has feature Y and B) seems like it's a webapps question if it's a real question
Agree on both counts
11 hours later…
well it solved itself
@BenBrocka @jcmeloni I made an edit to the question to focus it on a single question only. Would you consider re-opening?
Still seems like it's asking a crystal ball. I'm sure some companies would take it seriously and some wouldn't. Gets too close to pooling at that point
I agree that it's a bit better, but it is still pretty crystal ball-like. It really depends -- on the company, on the country, etc.
He doesn't even say what industry. I'd expect video game and digital media companies to take it seriously and it's not even relevant at many others
Q: changing career path

OnnoI'm graduating soon and I'm considering what to do next. I've almost completed my Bachelor in Software Engineering (in the Netherlands - HBO) and I'm completely done with programming. I've grown to hate it utterly in the last few years. Due to circumstances (accidents and other activities which ...

There's also..this one
It's really rant-y
Almost the entire first paragraph can be summed up in "I got a programming degree, but while doing so I decided I do not want to be a programmer"
Didn't read most of it, very poorly written. But is there an answerable question? I don't see one
@BenBrocka I made an edit to the question to clarify what is actually being asked
It might still be off-topic though, and end up getting closed
Much better, still don't really think it's a fit though. I'll wait for a couple more close votes/downvotes to be sure though
7 hours later…
Q: Can this site be more "friendly" to users?

squeemishBy perusing through the site, I have seen quite a bit of topics closed and arguments ensue. The tone in most of them seems condescending. Compared to some other SE sites, this one seems to be "catty". Perhaps expanding the FAQ to include a better description of the topics the moderators will a...

Anyone have input on this? I haven't seen many of these catty comments, though there have been a few; I've removed the ruder ones
Q: FAQ - What questions can I ask here

OdedCurrently the FAQ states this: The Workplace - Stack Exchange is for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting. I find this sourly lacking. What does this include? What does this exclude? General questions about CVs? CV reviews? Decorum? I would like to get to a gener...

expanded my ideas here, any thoughts?

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