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@enderland My writing style is quite distinct, eh?
14 hours later…
@Muz - It doesn't answer the question because you're just telling us what you do. But what should the asker do, and most importantly, why should the asker do that? Hint: Editing in everything after "tldr version" in your last comment is a good start, but you might also include any positives and potential negatives of taking this stance. Tell us why is this the right answer? For more guidance, see Good Subjective, Bad Subjective. Hope this helps. — jmort253 58 secs ago
@enderland She's basically a loan shark. She's in the payday lending business, which is known for outlandish interest rates and taking advantage of the poor by keeping them slave to debt.
On a more positive note, if you've ever heard "Thrift Shop" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, you have to hear this awesome cover by Lindsay Stirling and Tyler Ward. If more people thought like this song more people would win with money:
2 hours later…
Now that we've graduated, I think this is something Workplace SE should keep in mind. As we get bigger, we'll need more regular, core users, so this is a good reason to continue to be nice and try to get others to join the club:
In your post, you talk about the tools themselves being harsh, which is true, but I've seen some pretty nasty, mean-spirited comments on 1 rep user's posts that exponentially increase this effect. One thing to add is there's outflow just as much as there is inflow. Regular users get sidetracked by real life and leave Stack Exchange either temporarily or permanently. If the community is mean to every new user (I don't mean closing/downvoting, I mean being downright mean in comments) who is going to replace the regular 10k+ users who leave? Great post, by the way. +1 — jmort253 3 mins ago
@jmort253: GREAT POINT jmort253. You've led by example through and through and @jmac has too. That's why we have a positive culture on TWP.
Agreed. And just because a team is well-managed, that doesn't mean that you are any good. By the same token, just because you worked on a poorly-managed team, that doesn't mean you aren't any good. — Joe Strazzere 2 hours ago
^^^ +1

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