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@motosubatsu morning how r u?
I start writting journal this week and my mind went silent, so calm, why I didn't do it before
how was ur week?
5 hours later…
@motosubatsu my manager called me to check on my deadline n asked if I had any question
I asked, how does he see me maximizing my performance, he said u know what to do, u r too distracted, ur everywhere. u have to understand business requirement
I do have ADHD but don't mention coz some don't care
@localhost Sounds like pretty useful feedback
as for the ADHD.. I'm not unsympathetic, but what it boils down to is that your ADHD is not your fault but it is your responsibility. There's a wealth of resources out there to help, from coping and mitigation techniques to medication.
@motosubatsu yea true
have a good weekend
as for me, my insurance is giving me 3 door car as courtesy
fml...like I am paying 153 pm for insurance and I m getting a 3 door
@localhost yep.. if you want like-for-like courtesy car it's rather expensive

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