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9:38 AM
@localhost why?
@motosubatsu kids welfare, we been sick for 3 weeks , a lot of cough and fever up and down. she thinks kids r being held without any reason
@localhost ahh.. yeah that length of absence is going to trigger things. Schools have required steps they have to take if they haven't seen a child in a certain amount of time it's nothing personal.
she needed subsantial evideence of sickness etc, when I said I had car accident, she said school is 30 mins walk, it not far. I asked have u seen the cold
@localhost yeah.... I have to say I see her point really. It's not that cold out there, and it's not like things like taxis don't exist.
9:55 AM
true but kids get 5% better n they go to school and then come to 1%
my little was heathly, now he is slim like a tree
I myself got antibiotics
10:36 AM
@motosubatsu what u think I should do
I been up on my feet since then
trying to push myself to learn more, update portflio etc
in case they boot me
@localhost I'm not judging or anything.. I can just see their point that 3 straight weeks is a long absence, and usually it would take a significant illness for a kid to be off that long, and I'm not sure conflating it with your own unrelated issues (that happened 2 weeks into the absence) is particularly relevant
@localhost I'll give the same advice I give everytime - stop focussing your work energy on "what if I get booted" and instead focus it on, not getting booted
prevention is better than mitigation
your biggest problem hasn't been getting jobs it's been keeping them - that should tell you all you need to know about where to focus your effort
10:52 AM
@motosubatsu thanks, I always love ur opnion and it is straight to the point
RT my house is mess, my wife bro divorce her wife 2 days before consumate of marriage coz of rasons
now they had bought a house on rent together, and I was moving to stoke (rent paid, empty RN coz my wife wanted to be here for wedding etc)
I still wanna move to new house coz in retrospective of what happened, I believe I havent progress much in development when u said "focus on not getting booted"
but my wife asked me to consider not moving, as new house for newly weds r in shmables so her family can move there and we stay here, whilst I give notice to house I got on rent out of the city
I say no, coz I suffered a lot
do u think I m wrong @motosubatsu

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