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Sup peeps! We're going public Tuesday? Awesome!
@Adam only got 188 today (Friday) :)
@Cfinley I'm going to think through this some as I'm super out of it and my throat hurts a ton and making decisions is hard
@enderland Take your time. You do have some support behind you if you decide to do it.
@enderland You've got my support!
5 hours later…
@Zizouz212 Thanks for the nomination! I will update the post tomorrow morning.
6 hours later…
Q: Should questions like this be closed?

ArtOfCodeRecently, we had this question about alternatives to the Raspberry Pi. It's answerable by a quick Google search, and by the requirements for questions that Robert Cartaino defined, is not specific enough to warrant being a question here yet. I've voted to close it using the reason Robert defined...

1 hour later…
@Cfinley Have fun being a nominee! :D
10 hours later…
no response to my KVM question :-(
1 hour later…
@Jez I have not been able to find a single KVM to meet your needs. It is possible that one simply doesn't exist that fits your requirements. Have you thought about using two KVMs? Use one normally (mouse, keyboard, single monitor) and another just for the second monitor?

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