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12:00 AM
@HodofHod As mod you will probably delete this, but that's ok because I only really care that you read it.
I meant what I said. There is no way to determine the truth of a comparison in general. They are both religions: True. Both start with a "Ch": True. Both were practiced 1 million years ago: False. Both are Avoda Zara: Apparently lots of very smart otherwise Orthodox people disagree about this one. Therefore people should feel comfortable discussing it in this forum civily and respectfully.
FTR I have not endorsed or insulted any group. I have only stood up for respectful discussion regarding Judaism and issues related to it in this forum. Someone should feel more than welcome to present why or why not Charedi-ism is better than Modern Orthodoxy, or why Reform is better than Orthodoxy if they do so respectfully and seriously. Don't label things attacks because you don't agree with them.
And with that, I think this room should simply be closed. Anyone with questions regarding a certain chumra can post it as such on the main site. Anyone who wants to ask about different Jewish viewpoints regarding if Modern Orthodoxy has any basis in traditional sources can post on the main site. Anyone who wants to know if there is a problem supporting the Zionist state in Palestine can post on the main site.
And anyone who wants to know Jewish viewpoints about if Chabad is Avoda Zara or not can post on the main site.I look forward to more productive discussion THERE.
@DoubleAA I see no reason to delete any of that, in fact, I appreciate your candor. Quite frankly, I do feel that saying such things are attacks, but that is my personal bias. However, I stand by what I said regarding the other conversation. If you will read through all of it, (and this conversation, starting from here, as well), I think you may agree that even if the idea is not an attack, the tone certainly was.
@DoubleAA While I will not say that such a question would not be welcome here, I doubt that it could be discussed properly here, and perhaps not even civilly. Nevertheless, questions motivated by a genuine thirst for knowledge, that are on-topic, will most likely be welcomed. (I can't speak for the whole community, obviously.)
12:38 AM
@DoubleAA This is do second.
@ShmuelBrill ?
1:15 AM
@HodofHod to close this room and any questions that will arise can be asked on the main site.
@HodofHod I think that such a question can be asked (I mean, there is a whole sefer of Al Hatzadikim about it). One will just have to block all comments :)
As in: "Is one allowed to believe in a dead Moshiach?" etc.
It will just result in an ugly fight I don't think we want here.
1:34 AM
@ShmuelBrill This is what I referred to. Anywho, closing.
HodofHod has frozen this room.

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