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@DavidRicherby Turns out the litter-picker hat was one of the rarer ones, congratulations!
@Raphael Thanks! Looks like I deleted just the right set of redundant comments. :-)
4 hours later…
hello all!
i'm Pawel and I'm designer in Stack Exchange
i'm gonna work on CS logo, branding and site design..
i wanted to ask you guys, how do you imagine, for example, logo..
did you have any ideas?
because definitely it will be hard to find something symbolic for your site's name... i feel like it has to be something abstract
@D.W. Thanks for introducing me with GLRs. :) I was unaware about their existence.
2 hours later…
Hi @Raphael
Could I ask you something?
At the simplex method, if the initial solution is degenerate , then we might have had $x_{10}=0, x_{1j}>0$, thus $\theta_0=0$ and therefore $x_1=x_0$ and $z_1=z_0$, i.e. that the solution couldn't be improved.

In such a case, we turn the degenerate solution to non-degenerate, replacing $0$ of the basic variable by $\epsilon>0$, arbitrarily small and we continue normally till we find the optimal solution, and then we set again $\epsilon=0$.
If we don't replace 0 by $\epsilon$ will we get the same solution? @Raphael
@Paweł Yay, welcome welcome!
@Paweł Yup. Please no clichés! :)
Q: Inspirations towards a logo for cs.SE

RaphaelAs you know, we are graduating. The last missing puzzle piece is our own design which will be create by Stack Exchange employees at some uncertain point in the future. They are known for listening to community input and feedback. So while we probably should not try to do their work for them, I t...

That's my under-the-shower-idea, anyway. From the amount of other answers you can probably tell that our kind does not usually visualize. ;> Looking forward to seeing your ideas!
@Paweł hi! thx for dropping by! here were some ad ideas that could have some useful themes & also a link to an earlier chat brainstorming session
Q: Advertising Computer Science Stack Exchange on other SE sites

GillesGraduated Stack Exchange sites display ads chosen by the community in the right-side bar. “Graduated” means sites that have been around for long enough to no longer be in beta, other than the original trilogy. We could propose ads refering people to Computer Science SE. Programmers and Mathemati...

what about you, do you have have any ideas? maybe some kind of friendly-looking computer? eg
Hi @vzn
@Evinda hey whats new
@vzn I am studying for the exams and I have the above question. Do you maybe have an idea?
@Evinda (the simplex problem question?) you have an answer from yuval. what book are you using anyway?
At the simplex method, if the initial solution is degenerate , then we might have had $x_{10}=0, x_{1j}>0$, thus $\theta_0=0$ and therefore $x_1=x_0$ and $z_1=z_0$, i.e. that the solution couldn't be improved.

In such a case, we turn the degenerate solution to non-degenerate, replacing $0$ of the basic variable by $\epsilon>0$, arbitrarily small and we continue normally till we find the optimal solution, and then we set again $\epsilon=0$.
If we don't replace 0 by $\epsilon$ will we get the same solution? @vzn
This one
not an expert on simplex method but think most of it is linear algebra related.
Hi @ThomasKlimpel
A group of three persons decided to clean buildings. The time, in hours, that a building needs to be cleaned and its remuneration in euros is:

$\begin{matrix} \text{ Number of roofs } & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1\\ \text{ Time of cleaning} & 2 & 1,5 & 1,1 & 0,6\\ \text{Remuneration} & 51 & 37 & 27 & 12 \end{matrix}$

The persons work in total till $24$ hours the week. They have to clean at least $20$ buildings with $1,2$ or $3$ roofs the week. Which is the highest remuneration that they can achieve in one week?
@Evinda Well, I heard more than one optimization lecture at the university, and had to endure the simplex method more than once. I guess your formulation is correct, but I don't feel like checking it at the moment. Have fun.
@ThomasKlimpel A ok... Thank you!!!
2 hours later…
@Paweł Awesome! Thank you for dropping by, and for the nudge. This is going to be a tough one. I'll try to write a more detailed answer on the Meta question when I get time later this week, but two brainstorm ideas (which might suck):
(a) What about something that evokes asymptotic analysis/big-O analysis? I'm thinking maybe of a graph showing two curves, one that grows asymptotically faster. Might be hard to indicate in a 32x32 icon....
(b) Binary trees are cool. What about something that brings in a binary tree? Maybe a picture of a complete binary tree of depth one or two?
1 hour later…
@Raphael Are you familair with the two-phase method ?

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