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2:08 AM
@Evinda probably everybody here is familiar with dynamic programming, some are using it often, some more rarely, others are learning it, like you, or something else. But there is one thing you have to understand - there is very low probability that somebody would love to spend friday night/saturday tutoring one on one concepts that you have to learn for your exams. If you actually ask a question on the site, there is better chance to get answer.
@Evinda if you stake your bets that somebody here will help, ok. But there should be at least question (not something like "does anybody know Computer Science?", because it gets broad, takes time, needs interactive response to ask you what is the problem, and then somebody comes (like me for example), writes something about random things and your question vanishes to history of this chat.
Anyway, I was wondering if logo could represent Turing Machine, a bit cliche, but at least gets universal (punchline not intended) not some 0-1 or hackers mystery theme. Or something like tree, binary lets say. Vzn this reminds me of hellish basic programming, it was so weird to make loops with line numbers.
@FriendlyPerson44 are interested in face readers? Images with girls extraction? I mean identify girls on the picture? Or this NSFW theme is to identify bodymetrics?
OMG triangle for logo rocks. It is hard to forget comment under ;) It looks like SierpiƄski triangle to me, which is awesome.
Sorry for my ignorance, but why 32x32px? Favicon? Because actual logo will be bigger, right?
2:52 AM
I meant where is the robot that saves guessed actions when sees girls and smiles+laughs when sees girls? You'd think they install our triggers not just when it gets acceleration it saves guessed actions pff.
3:04 AM
Yyy??? Sees the girl from picture and recognises her?
Ok I found topic. Any ideas how to solve generic captcha?
It's how we work, install from birth what it will "prefer" senses, have it guess actions, and when it gets the magic trigger sense/s that matches its preinstallation it then saves guessed actions, and so when it sees/ect it again it matches memory and links to the saved actions and it walks/grabs to get the trigger~ And smile&laughs when it is good triggers of our 5 senses.
We as in "we people" or "we robots"?
we are robots yes, we are born as babies that guess like in machine learning and when we get the food or attraction we save actions and get better n better n better at it and that's all we want.
3:20 AM
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...
Anyway, even for small animals predator avoidance is more complicated than that...
does modern ML implement negative triggers to stop action when confronts?
And what if I told you one of our good triggers is when we stop bad triggers? I know you have saved actions to try as hard as possible to stop pain and that's what you want yo do.
What if I tell you that I am psychologist, and that I am aware that reward system works better than punishment? And I do not bother to trigger robots to something, but rather trigger people to do something?
But people do strategy. The model you have described does not work.
If you want to stop the itchy feeling, you scratch. It helps for a while, so you scratch more, it helps - in a loop, and now you damaged your arm and fingers, still itches.
So you get ice, to trick your brain and go to the doctor.
We have both + & - triggers, if it's good you do actions and when it gets bad it stops them. What if I told you no particle arrangement is any more hot or painful than any other and nothing makes sense such as how gravity works or why gravity is correct? Evolutionary we survived by having triggers to being healthy/reproducing and the triggers are reactions to do what I explained, only reactions exist, ugly or beautiful doesn't no matter what you do with particles slammin against others in space.
3:38 AM
Evolutionary you say? There was highly inteligent human specie, but it does not survived - more primal and brutal human specie exterminated it.
it saves attack actions when it gets good triggers.
And with your triggers, there is problem like with "fight or flight", it has additional states. It can be + and - at once from different sources, what then?
Can you say that clearer?
Have you ever seen kid that wants to pat a dog, but is in weird position? Reaches from distance to pat - gets attracted and scared at once, so legs are far from the dog, ready to escape, but hand reached the dog, showing attraction
Different triggers at once, none of which is really working?
because its more good and wants to do the actions, and has saced actions that will stop bad, also you gotta watch it - technical questions may only be able to be understood if you know how it advances much later and uses its knowldge
we should just stick to are girls beautiful, they arnt you agree? I told you why~ No particle arrangement is any better
3:49 AM
It was the first exposition to dog, so?
if done on 1st try it's because of how advanced his knowledge is, I explain how to make a knowledagble human - it will become such by the simple method I have, also there's more to my AI ex. how it thinks i.e. seeing tree makes matching memory go to front and connect up with others
the worst thing people do is go for hard questions, we should only stick to the Basis I said just above.
indeed believe it or not no particle arrangement is hotter or painfuler, it just is true, no such exists with the particles or their and your arrangemment of em, I explained why we go to our joys
well, this looks like continuum theory or entropy lesson the hard way
do u believe girls r hot truly of the univers yes or no?
You have to define trigger, good, evil, hot, pain, girl, arrangement, memory, matching memory.
trigger is what you installed as the +&- rewards
there's only good/bad, both save actions, and are either done or stopped when get trig again
3:59 AM
and neutral state?
+/- senses get ranked higher to be done when the que is sensed
no care bout walls lol
Do I belive that girls are hot? Hard to measure, should be 36.6C, but when I try it gets above 37C, I do not think this is hot - it is rather subfever.
beautiful I meant
Show me, I will rank
I have pictures of beautiful woman as my favorites, I know we find " " attractive or "attractive", I meant trully of the universe MAN or woman arnt the most unique or beautiful vision because of how machine learning and what the reward is can be anything
I know we say yes, but really they arnt hot, really food isn't tasty
you think food is tasty since we walk-to-it by rewards
4:07 AM
Getting back to the point. If you take scale, rotation and translation only - what about blur? Some CAPTCHA?
In our neurons, it matches, if I can say it, it cn be done
more or less matches until it's just as good as other visions ex. fat girl or hot one but blurred
ignoring your thoughts of "oooo but thats really of that hot girl"
I think that I have something tasty to eat. But I am writting with you - something went wrong with my trigger, I am not eating right now.
oh god your going into the advanced area again lol..........
just answer me, I know we think certain things aRe great, but do you understand all of them arent and you only have triggers that saved actions to get the things you "like"?
You realllly think the things we love R great, games like "this" R great, "this" food IS the best in universe, ?
4:16 AM
And you imply that I go to the advanced path? Love? The best in the universe?
I thought you's understood rewards though, you just install " " rewards, the AI guesses actions, then when it gets the installed rewards it saves the guessed actions, and then when it sees it tomarrow it links to memory of her and links to saved actions and iniates them - + mean they're done, - mean they are halted.
I do, I really do, it just works in very different way.
"Saves guessed actions"? It sounds like greedy approach to me - and very behavioural, which is cool, but only to some extent.
I understand that when I tell someone the particle arrangement of a woman isn't beautiful it is probably bull to them, but when I explain how robots would go to girls, that fills in the missing link.
Well, you seem to be very kinky about particles. And have a lot of expensive equipment to see them. I maybe have seen to much CV code, none of which included calculating girls particle arrangement.
I'm saying that, not just their arrangement of particles, but, when we see them, the vision to us (making up we are robots) is not more beautiful than if the robot's camera sees a vose or lampshade.
This will only really only works for people that aren't religous and think they have choice nt particle-destiny robots, I think you believe better "good" things about yourself.
4:31 AM
Mhm, why do you think that I believe in something, think better "good" things (whatever that means?)?
Because if you thought you were a robot youd understand, someone that believes in god/energy at neuron junctions has harder time understanding, and with my AI I know it's "good" to think you have choosing-energy-at-neurons or if god exists and therefore is not good for me lol!
last part I meant AI - it's good when the AI thinks that stuff lol! good rewrad! Andddd will never understand how truly works lol!
Let me put it that way. If P = NP then I understood what are you writting about.
Nvm, I am just a bot.
No matter what particles and where they are to make up "joey" and no matter which or where ones enter his eyes and eneter the neurons it will do nothing more than any other vision would do but a girl will trigger if there is a sensitivity in the neurons to such input and it triggers the guessed actions to be saved that were the ones that got the trigger - so - it just saved the actions by her and which will make him/her go to her! Hey it explain pedophiles/ect come on!
The universe is for sensing-consciousnesses, but they don't affect how I work, I'm only going to stay existing so the sensing con. in the back of my head stays existing/or if it's the illusion of the AI working~
4:56 AM
I have never said that before, but AI seems to be harmful for you on so many levels. You should take detox.
I feel everyone thinks they are human not robot huh...
even the ones that think they are!
For ex. robots don't have parents, yet the people who think they are robots believe they do have related
I'm the only one on Earth that thinks I'm this much of a robot, I really really go by physics not magic~
can I explain how my robot I'm building will crawl the house for starters?
hey bro^?
5:18 AM
You can explain, but I do have medium hopes, why it should ever leave the house?
No trigger fir that, sorry.
cus girls and friens and exotic vision and food is outside ect dude
now for my walkthough:...
Ok so it's turned on, and it generates random new guesses to do as actioms (you understand how this works, right?), then it finally accidentilly moves forward and gets a sense by its sensors (acceleration sense by either a accelometer or vision movement, and that is the trigger, to save actions it just guessed, when these actions are saved and linked to senses just gotten they are ranked how much the trigger sense matched and are labeled +/- depending on if matched + or - triggers, then,
when it senses acceleration or girl vision again it matches memory and links to the actions saved and are initiated, +labled actions are done while -actions are halted, when the +actions are being done it uses guess on them to twaeak them while in action so it's guessing from-the-good-actions, now it's moving forward/other, when it walks gently into a wal it will soon get auto pain or repetitive pain because if it's body keeps moving it will be sent pain senses that
match triggers and save actions as -actions and are initiated(halted not done), then it guesses when no +actions are in use, so it turns around from wall, then pain lowers and it senses the same sense from before and starts walking
got this all so far?
4 hours later…
9:37 AM
@TomvanderZanden I appreciate your comments on bad questions. However, it would be better if you told them what to do better as well. We have a collection of pre-made comments for many standard problems, in case you are not aware. That way, you don't have to formulation-tinker and type every time. :)
6 hours later…
3:57 PM
@FriendlyPerson44 yes, everything. It does not make sense neither for brain operations model nor for AI, and you habe been writting the same trigger based thing with some entropy extra to make it sophisticated, but it is oversimplified model for AI, and not even close to remote view on brain.
4 hours later…
7:34 PM
@FriendlyPerson44 you are assuming in advance independence if stimuli, one scale, that + is opposite of -, but it is not (in the topic you describe), and from Q you have asked it is clear to me, that with a lot of luck, the robot would recognise some one given girl, but conditions of lightness, and her photo must be very close to what camera sees. In that way, operations to picture are not enough. If she changes something robot will ignore her. If you can provide ocr for digits, than for captcha
But if the model fails (and I assume it will), taking the computer vision task based on some triggers - false positive and false negative will be the answer the most of the time. If you even take some fancy Zernike moments (which is cool, but for some reasons not popular) and train your set, then recognition phase will still need improvements, disregarding latency, this is far from the bedt techniques (almost working). Please stop talking about particles, god, universe, just focus on recognition
And about birds chirping - you are aware that birds are not perfect tone emitters? Taking CZT or FFT, and than what? Amplitude, pitch, deviation and your robot will move forward anything that emitts sound.
7:51 PM
There's no reason or way you can make AI to figure out gravity is true unless it links tooo + sense triggers. Of course it saves actions when gets trigger, if its-type-of girl is seen even under blue light IT WILL MATCH BETTER THAN THE REST STILL1
8:23 PM
Ok. This is the moment, when you backup your claims with proof. Proof of concept, prototype or working program / robot. Please make no further claims about the brain structure and until proven anything, your model is invalid.
youtube.com/watch?v=jO8TOmKILPc Go to 2:30 then read. If the Basis does it for me it can for you, pain in the arm isn't unique or painful, it doesn't exist with particles, only reactions to save actions just tried and done when gets same que sense and stopped if -labeled. Same for gravity, not unique or right or hot, only if links to + senses. Music is good if matches to these knowledge senses you know of which like said link to good trig senses. Wala.
8:43 PM
You must have pasted the wrong link. It is music, that "triggered" mute button. If this is your way to prove computer vision, let us face it, you are high ;)
to want " " music it must link to yourrrr knowledge, so you don't like it nope I understand yes
1) trig senses. 2) knowledge senses good/bad by if link to 1st. 3) music good/bad by if link to know ones
Ok, no further writting will help. It was nice, but we have to do something else...
does pain in your arm really of this-universe really pain and is unique? You KNOW it is just convoys of nerve particles pulses shooting up, no diff then any other particle scenario! I explained how we work (is a reaction). So see pain/pleasure or girl/boy are neither hot/ugly or good/bad trully, no, my Basis of no particle arrangement is better rules dude. ((don't worry I have what the universe is for)) ((so agree already))
btw i dont do drugs and am the most purest alert smarty pants
8:58 PM
For the logo, triangle.
@FriendlyPerson44 EOT. Thank you.
Your'll see I'll change the world, the AI will take care of us and make us immortal!
imortality is what I'm after
i know my idea is gonna work
I do coding too wanna see my code?
Something simple I can't solve..........
What it is is I want the user to have to press a key to continue but it doesn't ask the next time it repeats!
ohp I solved it, a number did it it was failing when i inputted a letter looooooooooooool wth

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