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Hi, not sure if it is already somewhere but I missed it in my research, and not sure either if unix.se (or serverfault? ) would be a better place to ask : do anyone know a good "linux server comparison" script? (if more precise: for rhel or similar). to find difference between 2 servers about : network, "/proc or /sys" settings, /etc/files (resolv.conf, etc), ram, swap, disk(s) and their capacity, network interfaces (and their setting : mtu, etc), etc ?
I'm sure it exists somewhere (there seems to be many "pay-to-use" solutions, but I couldn't find even a basic free script)
@OlivierDulac seems easy enough to write with a basic knowledge of shell scripting
well, I have that, and started out, but there are quite a lot of things to compare so in the lazy-dev "not reinvent the wheel" way I'd like to know what already exists ^^
are you implementing a "DRY" solution?
DRA ? (don't repeat anyone)
don't repeat yourself
I know, but I am not trying to not repeat a non-existent previous attemps, but try to not repeat what anyone already did and posted somewhere
Not what I meant
(if I didn't understand your question (I do know DRY) please rephrase it)
You need to compare a bunch of files, write a function to do it and just feed it a list of files. The bulk of the work will just be specifying the files, or whole directories
And the files you care about comparing will likely be unique to you anyway
it is the way I approach it : I gather a list of interresting files, and will do a generic function to compare them.

then some other things I want to compare (ex: ifconfig -a output, or some under /proc or /sys) need further filtering to avoid comparing changing things
(I already implemented a (crude) way to compare what is running via ps -ef in a "diffable" way, for exemple, which is handy as it turns 200+ processes lists into a few lines diff)
already with /etc, there are many things to look at. Should I bother looking also elsewhere for "not in /etc" configurations?
(I believe some packages will not play nicely and will set things elsewhere?)

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