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I've been on Debian since I switched from (IIRC) Pink Hat Linux after getting fed up with rpm dependency hell (there was no yum, but there was apt-get)
@ChrisDavies Huh, never even heard of Pink Hat! I came to Arch to get away from apt's dependency hell and it really has been great. I do kinda miss the stability and ease of the Debian world, but not the dependency hell.
1 hour later…
Interesting - I don't see many dependency problems with Debian. I mostly run servers, mind. I do have a couple of desktop-focussed systems that have Backports included, and those can get really upset when upgrading to the next major version
3 hours later…
@ChrisDavies I had enough for it to become annoying. Not with pure Debian, mind you. I started in the rom world with Mandrake, then SuSe, then open SuSe, Red Hat and Fedora at work, and then switched to Ubuntu, then Mint, then LMDE, then Arch.

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