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I’ve looked around, but I can’t find anything — is there a meta post (on Unix Meta or Meta SE) that explains that editing a question in a way that invalidates answers is frowned upon? (Context: unix.stackexchange.com/q/763242)
3 hours later…
@StephenKitt this covers it unix.stackexchange.com/help/…
Also, hi folks
Is it easy to reproduce what a debian install does to an EFI partition without reinstalling debian itself? I'm struggling with an ssd that refuses to boot after a hard shutdown triggered by electrostatic discharge... I can mount the partitions and the data seems fine but my laptops don't display it among boot options. I figured reinstalling the EFI partition might help.
I'm currently booting into a live usb and mounting the ssd manually :| worst part is my shit dell laptop screaming with hardware beeps on each boot. It really freaks out the dog.

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