@MichaelHomer Yes, the argument should be a FQDN for the host the host key is valid on. I was just wondering because when I use it, I get no text saying "for host_name.example.com" as in the example on the RHEL site.
The strange thing is that in the ssh-keygen.c source code, the Z option seems to set a "format cipher", which doesn't make sense in the context of the RHEL text. This may be a RedHat patch that does something that the upstream OpenSSH code does not do.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy "Command line stuff" could mean "things that can be put into a shell script". I believe shell scripts are acceptable by the existing code review SE site.
@Jesse_b I think I won't last long in the computing field, I might open a bike repair shop or something like this. Computing technologies (network/system/dev) are not meant to be handle by human I'm almost sure all those technologies come from machine (Skynet maybe) It's exhausting to just stay up to date
the repais shop is still a project I keep in my head next to the electronics repair mobil truck and my project to become teacher in high school. Regarding Scala I'm still learning and I'm using it with spark( which is both a framework and a cluster) and it's nice.
IMHO Scala has a strong static type system. and it is the best typing system to have in any language.
Ok, finally managed to get my head around OpenSSH host/user certificates. Now running my local machines without personal known_hosts or authorized_keys files. Very sleek.
@Kusalananda I think it would be on-topic there. I would love to see more shell script questions on that site, because in my actual work most shell scripts I see are horrible examples of code and would benefit from review...and most often, they would be reduced to a one-liner if done properly.
I was looking at this question: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/484129/… and it seemed on-topic for me. In particular, it seems like it would match "Applications packaged in *nix distributions (note: being cross-platform does not disqualify)". Am I just misreading the topic page for this site?